Ï Representatives of cultural and educational spheres discuss the role of book with students

Representatives of cultural and educational spheres discuss the role of book with students

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Representatives of cultural and educational spheres discuss the role of book with students
Representatives of cultural and educational spheres discuss the role of book with students
Representatives of cultural and educational spheres discuss the role of book with students
Representatives of cultural and educational spheres discuss the role of book with students
Representatives of cultural and educational spheres discuss the role of book with students
Representatives of cultural and educational spheres discuss the role of book with students
Representatives of cultural and educational spheres discuss the role of book with students
Representatives of cultural and educational spheres discuss the role of book with students
The Book exhibition Centre of the State Library hosted round table session dedicated to slogan of the year “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity”. Lecturers of the universities, cultural personnel, personnel of libraries and students of the universities of the capital took part in the meeting organized by the Ministry of Culture. The dialog was dedicated to the role of book in improvement of intellectual and spiritual potential of the nation, protection and augmentation of its mental values.

Associate Professor of Law of Magtumguly Turkmen State University Ashyrgeldy Jumayev, tutors of National Conservatory Kerven Aydogdiyev and D. Azadi Institute of World Languages Mayagozel Geldiyeva, employee of the State Library Gulshat Orazberdiyeva, who made a speech at the meeting, spoke of versatile role of book in the history of civilization and life of modern society.

In their turn, representatives of Turkmen students shared their thoughts about the role of innovations in development of cultural and educational environment. In particular, it was about the development of virtual library environment allowing the improvement of leisure time and quality of education, which also opens wide opportunity for self-education.

The theme of the meeting has been illustrated by the book exhibition, which was composed of works of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov dedicated to the history, spirituality, traditions, development of scientific knowledge and various aspects of home and foreign policy of Turkmen state.