Ï The Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection of Turkmenistan and the State Committee of Water Management are established in the country

The Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection of Turkmenistan and the State Committee of Water Management are established in the country

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Order on establishment of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection of Turkmenistan and the State Committee of Water Management, which resolved the following:

1. To establish the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection of Turkmenistan and the State Committee of Water Management of Turkmenistan, having merged the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management and State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources.

2. To assign the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection of Turkmenistan as the successor of agricultural industry of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management of Turkmenistan and the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources.

3. To assign the State Committee of Water Management of Turkmenistan as the successor of water management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management.

4. To make Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan E. Orazgeldiyev and G. Myradov, the Minister of Agriculture and Natural Protection, the Minister of Finances and Economy, the Chairman of the State Committee of Water Management and the Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber responsible for fulfilment of current Order.

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The President of Turkmenistan signs the Resolution, having approved the structures of the Central offices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection of Turkmenistan and the State Committee of Water Management.

The documents assign the following:

The Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection together with the Ministry of Justice to prepare and present the proposals to the Cabinet of Ministers on introduction of the Provision on the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection to the legislation of the country in one month period as well as on amendments and addendums following from the Provision;

The State Committee of Water Management of Turkmenistan together with the Ministry of Justice to prepare and present the proposals to the Cabinet of Ministers on introduction of the Provision on the Committee in one month period as well as on amendments and addendums following from the Provision.