Ï Meetings are held in re-organized profile departments

Meetings are held in re-organized profile departments

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Meetings are held in re-organized profile departments
Number of departments of Turkmenistan had meetings dedicated to important objectives set out by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the session with the members of the Cabinet of Ministers on re-organization of the state structures in January 29.

In fact, the decisions made by the President of the country and emphasized in official documents mark the beginning of new stage in transit of national economy to market relations, involvement of the mechanisms and tools in the improvement of the competiveness of national economy and reformation of management system in general.

Objective need and currency of changes initiated by the Head of the State lay in the acceleration of the modernization processes of branches, stimulation of development of entrepreneurship including by privatization of the state properties in industry, transport sector, agriculture, construction and other spheres.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that it will launch the formation of full-fledged local investors, who are able to buy and manage big facilities, bring them to advanced positions both in local and foreign markets, increase the production rates, create new working places and support the growth of income of the population, attract foreign investments.

Our country has all conditions for these – economic, legal and institutional. The measures aimed at fundamental restructuring of the branches and attaching innovative character to economic development, creation of favourable environment for business have been successfully implemented. Now, it is a time to make new steps. Optimization of activity of the state facilities with establishment of joint stock ventures under them is among important measures. According to the Resolution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management was merged with the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources and the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection was founded on their base. The State Committee of Water Management, which would deal with provision of water to population and agricultural sphere, has also been formed up.

According to the request of the Head of the State, the ownership of all facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management will be changed. They will be privatized via transformation to joint stock ventures.

Fundamental changes in activity of other new department – the Ministry of Industry and Communication, are long overdue. The Ministry received the Ministries of Industry, Communication, Railroad and Motor Transport, the State Service of Maritime and River Transport as well as Türkmenhowaýollary Service. All of them have received the status of the agencies.

Heads of the agencies have been elected and plans of further work under the orders of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov have been discussed at the meeting of shareholders of the agencies of this Ministry - «Türkmendemirýollary», «Türkmenaragatnaşyk», «Türkmenawtoulaglary» and «Türkmenhowaýollary».

Subjects of sharing participation in establishment of open joint stock ventures have also been reviewed.

Therefore, new Ministry of Industry and Communications will outline the government policy on pricing and tariffs and organization of transport routes while the shareholding as a method of privatization of the facilities will give additional opportunities to attract the financing and stimulus to self-development through the interest in the growth of profitability, implementation of market mechanisms of management. It also allows providing efficient control of the activity of the management by shareholders.

Elected chairmen of new agencies - «Türkmendemirýollary», «Türkmenaragatnaşyk», «Türkmenawtoulaglary» and «Türkmenhowaýollary» have been introduced to the personnel of these facilities, have answered the questions and told about future plans due to re-organization of structural divisions.

It is worth reminding that according to the decision of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, National Space Agency has been assign under the authority of Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency and changed into the Space Department.

In addition, Balkan Ship Building and Repair Yard, «Türkmentehnogurluşyk» and «Türkmensenagat eksport-import» Joint Stock Companies will be founded in the structure of the Ministry of Industry and Communication.

It means that modernization of production capital of industrial and communication sector is entering new phase and the key role in this case is given to de-nationalization and transit to market organizational and legal reforms, which will lead to the renewal of management principles, growth of efficiency of production facilities, their export potential, hence, the growth of attractiveness for foreign investors.

New initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov have set the tone to big work in near future, outlined main directions of transformation, which has to be carried out not only on organizational level but in people’s mind in order to generate powerful energy of creativity, breakthrough projects and anticipating growth.