Ï Representatives of scientific community noted the importance of decisions on re-organization of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan

Representatives of scientific community noted the importance of decisions on re-organization of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan

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Representatives of scientific community of the country took part in the conference organized in Oguzkhan Engineering and Technology University. It brought together scientists, tutors of the universities and students who are involved in scientific and creative activity.

Structural changes in scientific and educational sphere initiated by the Head of the State are the foundation for the formation of strong, competitive industrial segment and intellectual potential of the country.

In this aspect, special attention is paid to the cooperation of academic and educational sciences, system of training of personnel, adaptation of scientific institutions to market realities including by gradual reformation of their organization structure to self-sustained form. It will allow using labour, financial and material resources more rationally, cooperating with business and investors more actively, diversifying research, project and engineering and technological works.

Current changes in the structure of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan touched the Institute of Livestock Farming and Veterinary, which was assigned under the authority of Turkmen Agricultural University. It was caused by the necessity of rapprochement and closer consolidation of the reforms in national agricultural complex with scientific approach, which has to be initiated at the training stage of qualified specialists, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes. It is possible by the involvement of student, future professionals to scientific and research activity forming up innovative thinking, initiative and consistency of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

The Institute of Solar Energy of the Academy of Sciences has to be transferred to the State Energy Institute, which also study renewable sources of energy, for the same purpose. Such academic support in rather new but quite promising specialization will help to make material and technical conditions for modern scientific studies related to the production of alternative sources of electrical energy.

Another innovation, which opens entire direction in development of educational science, is the transfer of the Institute of General and Applied Biology, which was formed up from the Institute of Biology and Medicinal Plant of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan (the Institute of Medicinal Plant will enter the structure of the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry) to the structure of Oguzkhan Engineering and Technology University.

It was mentioned at the forum that our country has formed up modern scientific and educational sphere, great opportunities for the youth to master advanced achievements of science and technologies have been made. Important objectives in this field are related to the implementation of the Concept of digital economy of Turkmenistan based on high technologies and fundamental theoretical knowledge.

Making of market stimulation allowing private sector increasing its input to the efficiency and international competiveness of the branches of national economy, its integration to the world division of labour and global trade relations as well as geological, political and raw material advantages of Turkmenistan and, undoubtedly, vast intellectual resource of the nation are among key factors of success in the achievement of large-scale goals. Mobilization of these reserves will help our country to grow with exceptional rates.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov adapts national model of the economy to new world realities and tendencies for support of high dynamics of the country’s development at more mature phase of industrialization of Turkmenistan and on the background of its structural changes.

In this context, the participants of the forum highlighted great importance of the documents and decisions taken by the President of Turkmenistan on January 29 including for improvement of the structure on scientific and research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, enhancement of efficiency of scientific studies and implementation of the outcomes to production.

The participants assured that they would implement new objectives with big responsibility, professionalism, diligent work and creative enthusiasm.