Ï Meetings in Türkmendeňizderýaýollary and Türkmensenagat agencies are held

Meetings in Türkmendeňizderýaýollary and Türkmensenagat agencies are held

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Meetings on the key directions of activity in near future were held in Türkmendeňizderýaýollary» and «Türkmensenagat» agencies of the Ministry of Industry and Communication.

At recent session with the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined number of current objectives, which are to provide stable development of the country, to keep and improve stable growth of national economy and to consolidate the efficiency of work, Important decisions aimed at the acceleration of the process of the formation of marketing relations, in particular on re-organization of number of the government structures, change of the ownership of facilities of different branches of national economy, which is to improve the work efficiency, have been made at the meetings.

According to the order of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the Ministry of Industry and Communication has been established. The Ministries of Industry, Communication, Railroad and Motor Transport, the State Service of Maritime and River Transport as well as Türkmenhowaýollary Service have been assigned to new Ministry and received the status of agencies.

R. Ovezov has been elected as the Chairman of «Türkmensenagat» agency and A. Hayitmuradov has been elected as the Chairman of «Türkmendeňizderýaýollary» agency at the meetings of the shareholders. The decisions were approved by the Head of the Stare who signed relative Resolutions.

The heads of the agencies have been introduced to the personnel of these organizations, answered the questions and spoke of future plans related to the re-organization of the divisions.

It was mentioned that creation of ramified transport infrastructure as the main factor of economic and social development of Turkmenistan is one of the main directions of the state policy. Large-scale projects including on the strengthening of equipment and facility base of maritime fleet have been implemented in this sphere.

Special attention is paid to the formation of international transit and transport corridors. Taking into consideration favourable geographic location, Turkmenistan, which territory was crossed by the route of the Silk Road, is an important link of the world communication space. The importance of the country as an intersection of transcontinental routes has significantly grown in new historical age.

Opening of Turkmenbashy International Seaport, which has ferry, passenger, container and other terminals, gave strong impulse to the development of national transport complex. Super modern port complex built on Caspian coast has opened new opportunities for active integration of the country to global economy as well as new perspective for international cooperation in the sphere of air, railroad, maritime, motor and multimodal transit transportation.

Outlining utmost objectives of transport sphere, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the necessity of its further improvement, expansion of the spectrum of service, which have to meet highest quality criteria and international standards. At current stage of development, fundamental, structural and institutional changes are made in the branches of transport complex. Legal base of transport sphere meeting new social and economic conditions is created.

Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025 is oriented to the use of advanced technologies, modern engineering and technical thoughts and best world practice. This Programme provides the complex of specific measures in industrialization, diversification and accumulation of export potential of national economy, opening new production facilities for manufacturing of import substitutive goods.

In this context, this is industrial sector, which has to become the drive engine for other branches of national economy as it is the base for their further development. In particular, creation of modern facilities specialized in processing of richest natural material resources of the country, expansion of the variety of construction materials made of local feedstock are among the objectives set out by the Head of the State. The agenda includes active implementation of innovative and digital technologies, latest achievements of scientific and technical progress and advance world practice.