Ï Aspects of cooperation between Turkmenistan and EU are discussed in the Foreign Ministry

Aspects of cooperation between Turkmenistan and EU are discussed in the Foreign Ministry

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The Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan hosted the meeting with the delegation of the European Union chaired by the EU Special Representative for Central Asia Peter Burian. During the conversation, the sides noted significant potential of Turkmenistan for the implementation of major infrastructural projects. The guests confirmed the interest in continuation of the cooperation in different directions.

Importance of large-scale reforms and changes initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as well as the implementation of new approaches of the European Union to the partnership with our country for efficient joint activity has been highlighted.

This was indicated by the meeting in the Mejlis with the delegation of the EU chaired by Peter Burian in May last year where future expansion of Inter-parliamentarian cooperation under constructive Turkmenistan – EU dialog has been discussed. Appropriateness of the participation of Turkmen parliamentarians in preparation of new strategy of development of cooperation of the European Union with Central Asian countries, currency of practice of establishment of Friendship groups with the Parliaments of foreign state in the Mejlis have been highlighted.

High dynamics of development of relations between Turkmenistan and European Union, which are based on dozens implemented and ongoing joint projects and programmes, has also been noted at the current meeting in the Foreign Ministry.

Meetings in profile ministries and departments are planned during the visit of the guests to Turkmen capital.