Ï Future development of industrial sector is in the publications of profile magazine

Future development of industrial sector is in the publications of profile magazine

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Regular issue of quarterly magazine “Industry of Turkmenistan” printed in Turkmen, Russian and English languages was published. The magazine is opened by the publication about the opening of different social and production facilities in the regions of the country.

Number of articles is dedicated the work of local industrial facilities, for example, the article “Constructions start from the Stone” speaks about Türkmendaşlary Production Association, its structural divisions.

The article about export capabilities of “Lebap” Plant producing high quality cement notes that at present time, the demand on this product grows not only in local but also in foreign markets. The production of the facility receives high appraisal of foreign specialists and experts at international profile exhibitions.

Export orientation subject was continued in the article dedicated to the work of Turkmenabat Chemical Plant, which produces sulphuric acid and supplies agricultural sphere with phosphate fertilizers. Yearly output capacity of the plant is 500,000 tons of sulphuric acid, which allows satisfying local demands in this product and exporting it foreign market.

The magazine also presents the material on the work for production of polymeric goods, construction materials, electronics and different glassware.

Development of textile industry is another subject of the magazine. Number of articles is dedicated to import substitutive facilities on this strategically important sphere of national economy, in particular to the modernization of Tejen Cotton Spinning Mill, the facility for production of medical and cosmetic cotton wool and other enterprises.

The article about Ashgabat Silk Factory focuses on export potential of the eldest facility of this sphere, which received the second birth after fundamental reconstruction. The article highlights that at present, Turkmen silk improves its positions in the world market.

“Jeans Production crosses the Borders” article narrates about structural divisions of Turkmenbashy Jeans Complex.

Effective illustrations introduce new collection of Turkmen fashion designers. One of the articles mentions that wide variety of knitted products was arranged in the Fashion House of the Ministry of Textile Industry under the implementation of the State Programme of import substitution. It is planned to increase the volume of production, which is on high demand, by procurement of high technology equipment.

The magazine also presents the review of international exhibitions dedicated to the achievements and future development of industrial sphere and technological innovations.