Ï Ambassador Annamammet Annayev presents his credentials to the President of Romania

Ambassador Annamammet Annayev presents his credentials to the President of Romania

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President of Romania Klaus Werner Iohannis received the credentials of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to Romania Annamammet Annayev in Bucharest.

Having accepted the greetings and best wishes of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conveyed by the diplomat, the leader of friendly country expressed the interest in further development of bilateral relations as well as the relations under the EU – Turkmenistan dialog.

Working visit of Turkmen delegation, which included the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Directors of universities of the country, was another evidence of the presence of big potential for diversification of Turkmen – Romanian cooperation in trade and economic, humanitarian and cultural spheres, especially in the improvement of the efficiency of fruitful contacts in educational field. Relative documents have been signed by the outcomes of the visit.

It includes the Agreement on Academic and Scientific Cooperation between Turkmenistan State Medical University and Carol Davila University of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutics, the Memorandum of Understanding between Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management and the Brasov Transylvania University and Bucharest University of Economic Sciences, the Agreements on Cooperation between Turkmen Agricultural University and Jassy University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, between Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction and Bucharest Civil Engineering Technical University.