Ï Resolution on Production of Cotton in 2019 Signed

Resolution on Production of Cotton in 2019 Signed

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With a view to ensuring further cotton growth on the basis of rational use of land, water, agricultural machinery and mineral fertilizers, and promotion of high-quality agro-technical measures in every province of the country, the President of Turkmenistan signed a Resolution authorizing the Ministry of Agriculture and Nature Protection, the Ahal, Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary provincial administrations to:

ensure the production of relevant volumes of cotton throughout the country in 2019 and the high level of work of tenant farmers, land users and owners;

distribute cotton seeds between districts with regard to natural conditions (soil, climate), in accordance with the plan approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Nature Protection.

Following the conclusion of contracts with cotton producers, within the relevant timeframe in accordance with agro-technical norms:

the Ministry of Agriculture and Nature Protection must provide the necessary amounts of high-quality cotton seeds and technical services related to land preparation, planting of cotton, crop tending and cotton harvesting;

the State Committee for Water Resources must provide the necessary quantities of water for irrigation;

Turkmenhimiya State Concern must provide the necessary amounts of fertilizers.