Ï Turkmenistan successfully develops international cooperation

Turkmenistan successfully develops international cooperation

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It was highlighted at the extended session of the Government on February 1 that successfully develops the relations of friendship and constructive cooperation both in bilateral and multilateral formats. This is indicated by the outcomes of foreign visits of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and visits of the heads of number of foreign states to Turkmenistan for the period under review as well as by efficient partnership with competent international organizations.

In general, 769 delegations of different level have visited our country via the Foreign Ministry last year. At the same time, 608 Turkmen delegations went to foreign countries. Various events like conferences, meetings, etc. have been organized in Turkmenistan and abroad. Legal and regulatory base of cooperation with foreign partners has been supplemented by number of signed documents.

At present, our country has established diplomatic relations with 146 states of the world. For the period under review, Turkmenistan joined 5 international conventions, having become the participant of 150 similar multilateral documents.

Consultations between Turkmen Foreign Ministry and foreign departments of other countries have regular character. Number of sessions of bilateral Intergovernmental Commissions, which activity is aimed at the improvement and expansion of beneficial trade and economic relations and fruitful humanitarian and cultural contacts with different states, has been held.

Having highlighted that creative foreign course of Turkmenistan provided high international authority to our country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the necessity to involve all existing potential for further intensification of versatile partnership, which meets common interests.

In this regard, the Head of the State ordered the Vice-premier, the Head of Foreign Ministry to continue targeted work for promotion and practical implementation of constructive initiatives of our country proposed from the podium of the UN and other competent organizations, having focused on such important spheres as energy security, formation of transit and transport corridors and water diplomacy.