Ï Seven-year programme of development: Digitization and Industrialization

Seven-year programme of development: Digitization and Industrialization

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The President of Turkmenistan approved the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025 at the extended session of the Government on February 1. It was mentioned in this regard, that the model of the development of national economy in next seven years proposed by the Government includes number of strategic directions.

First, structural reformation of industrial sectors and service sphere is planned. Paying special attention to support of high technology production, it is necessary to start the production of goods with high added value from making of industrial production with low added value and scientific and technical level.

Second, this is activation of works for reduction of the state owned facilities by privatization and changing into joint stock ventures.

Structural changes of the facilities is the third. For this purposes, it is planned to apply the world advanced scientific and technological achievements in management and production spheres, according to which entire management system will be renewed. Change of work of the facilities by implementation of digital system will be the base for making of new model of the economy.

Forth, the Programme includes the correction of marketing strategy. Globalization and integration at international level open big markets for the facilities, allow them using the dividends from the implementation of own investment projects in full volume.

Diversifying commodity and export markets, it is planned to limit the dependence of the production from several markets. At the same time, support to the development of local market especially in rural areas will be rendered.

In general, it is planned to reduce the government expenses and to increase the capabilities for attraction of the capitals of private sector and foreign companies. Development of new types of investments, in particular the establishment of the partnership between the State and private sector, is one of perspective vectors.

Electrical energy, production and procession of oil and gas, electronic production, industry, agriculture, transport and communication, tourism sphere are outlined as the main branches as drive engines of the economy.

Digital economy, medicine and education are also strategic goals, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted, having highlighted that works for transit of the state to digital system has already started. In the result of implementation of this Programme, our country would turn into industrially developed state, the wealth of the nation would be improved, which is our main objectives, the President said.