Ï The President of Turkmenistan outlines the priorities of the country development in 2019

The President of Turkmenistan outlines the priorities of the country development in 2019

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At the session of the Government on February 1, the Head of the state addressed the participants with the speech characterizing the outcomes of 2018 and outlining priority objectives of the country in current year.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that last year, we have managed to complete almost all plans. Having increased production volumes practically in all spheres, we have put new high technology facilities into operation.

The growth rate of the GDP was 6.2 percent last year. The volume of export to foreign countries has exceeded 11,200,000,000 US dollars.

Amounts of salary wages, pensions and state allowances have been increased. 1,704 facilities to the amount of around 10 billion US dollars have been built and put into operation.

We were steadily improving the relations with foreign country – both bilateral and under international organizations, the Head of the State continued. Our foreign course, which is based on the principles of neutrality, peace-loving, goodwill and beneficial cooperation, supported the growth of the authority of independent Turkmen state in the world. In general, we can confidently say that 2018, which was held under slogan “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” was one of the most successful for us.

Further, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that high achievements became possible owing to wide support of the policy by the nation, active participation of Turkmen citizens in implementation of the reforms. Speaking of this, the Head of the State expressed sincere gratitude to the nation, all leaders, citizens who made deserving input to the achievement of great success.

Having noted that current year would be held under slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity”, the Head of the State dwelt on the main objectives set out to the leaders.

Addressing Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that adoption of the laws providing the development of the country and necessary amendments of existing legal acts are the main objectives on National Parliament.

It is necessary to hold high-level elections of the deputies, members of the People’s Council and Gengeshys instead of those who terminated their authorities in March. It is also necessary to prepare to the session of the People’s Council in September. In this regard, the President noted that he would have more detailed conversation about the objectives of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan during coming meeting with the deputies.

Addressing Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that all Turkmen diplomatic personnel has to work hard providing the protection of the interests of our independent state, development of beneficial relations with different countries.

It is necessary to prepare the programme of visits of Government delegation of Turkmenistan to foreign states and visits of Government delegations of other countries to our state as well as the programme of international meetings and conferences, the Head of the State instructed.

Turkmen leader highlighted that chairing of Turkmenistan in the Commonwealth of Independent States has to be held on the highest level as well as the events related to the initiatives on energy security, transit and transport corridors, water diplomacy and other directions supported by the UN have to be organized.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov and heads of financial and economic complex to take under control the implementation of adopted Programme of development of branches of the economy and velayats in 2019 – 2025.

We have to reduce the dependence of internal market from the export, to accelerate the digitization of the economy as well as, having strengthened marketing institutions, to pursue investment policy. Since National rural programme ends this year, it is necessary to start the development of new programme for future years, the Head of Turkmenistan pointed out.

Addressing Vice-premier M. Meredov and management of fuel and energy complex, the Head of the State said that establishment of innovative production facilities for development of oil and gas industry, processing of hydrocarbon resources is one of the main directions. Expansion of export capabilities by diversification as well as creation of multidimensional system of energy resources supply are very important for development of national economy.

Continuing the subject, the President noted that it is necessary to carry out all planned construction works of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline at high rates and with high quality.

Specifying the objectives of Vice-premier D. Amangeldiyev, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, hyakims of the velayats and top officials of construction complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused that construction programme of this year includes big scope of works. More than 22 billion manats t be invested to the industry. It is necessary to continue the construction of living in the cities at the cost of the Government and private investors.

Special attention would be paid to construction of new and reconstruction of existing power stations this year, the Head of Turkmenistan said, having noted that it would support the increment of export volumes of energy to neighbouring countries.

Construction of Turkmenabat – Ashgabat – Turkmenbashy highway will allow our state integrating to the system of the world economy more actively and increasing foreign currency income. Therefore, all leaders have to approach the implementation of investment programme with full responsibility.

Further, addressing Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev, hyakims of the velayats and etraps and leaders of agricultural complex, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the necessity to complete organizational works for improvement of the structure of the branches, wide attraction of entrepreneurs to development of processing industry in agriculture, production of high quality export oriented goods in nearest time.

The President of Turkmenistan said that is has been noted that it is necessary to reallocate arable lands depending on the crops that would be sown on these lands. We have to produce 1,600,000 tons of wheat and 1,050,000 tons of raw cotton this year. In the next year, the volume of produced wheat has to be 1,400,000 tons while production of cotton for new fabrics and for export has to reach 1,250,000 tons.

It is also necessary to increase the volumes of livestock production, fruits, grapes and vegetables. Unprofitable farming associations have to be given to long-term lease to the farmers, leaseholders and peasants.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also noted that it is necessary do make construction and maintenance works at hydro technical facilities, water reserves, to implement water saving technologies for improvement of water supply.

Having set the objective for Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev and heads of industrial, transport and communication complex to complete organizational activity for improvement of relative structures in the nearest time, the Head of the State highlighted that all efforts have to aimed at stable development of branches on the base of innovations, achievement of high competiveness of national economy.

It is necessary to continue establishing electronic industry and to increase the number of joint ventures.

It is also important to use wisely the capabilities of transport and transit corridors, their connection to international logistic and trade systems. It is necessary to continue developing the North – South and Turkmenistan – Afghanistan railroads. It is necessary to renew the fleet of motor, railroad, water and air transport, to build new railway stations and airports and to modernize existing ones, the President noted.

Commercial maritime fleet has also to be developed. We have to equip our fleet with cargo and passenger vessels for the most comprehensive use of the potential of Turkmenbashy International Seaport.

The Head of the State also highlighted that it is necessary to arrange the training of the specialists for the system of digital technologies, to develop cellular communication, television, to continue introducing internet using computer technologies and capabilities of satellite connection, to work on launching of another artificial satellite.

Addressing Vice-premier P. Agamyradov, scientific, education and health protection top managements, the President of the country noted that we have to train and educate the youth, who will participate in this process, for bringing of our country to new level of development based on digitization system.

It is necessary to accelerate the reforms in scientific and educational sphere and in technology field. Entrepreneurs have to be actively attracted for closer cooperation with high schools and scientific and research centres. Training of specialists for new institutes schools, pre-school facilities has to be carried out intensively. Our goal is to achieve the fact that the youth would be able to receive good education including in prestige foreign universities, Turkmen leader said.

Provision of high quality medical services and improvement of health protection system in general remain priority direction of the state policy.

Special attention has to be paid to development of science. Strengthening equipment and facility base of academic institutes, scientific laboratories have to be provided with modern equipment.

At the same time, the President highlighted the importance to continue developing national sports sphere, which is oriented to mass attraction of the youth to physical training and sports.

Speaking of the objectives given to Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva and heads of mass media, the Head of the State mentioned that wide opportunities are opening this year for creative and professional growth of cultural personnel and art masters. It is necessary to carry out big work for expansion and renovation of theatre programmes, museum expositions, connection of city and rural libraries to Internet, to continue the construction of cultural clubs in rural areas. Special attention has to be paid to preparation and conduct of international cultural events. Quality of informational provision of TV and radio programmes has to be improved and positive changes in the society have to be highlighted in media.

We have to improve international tourism industry, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having requested to continue the construction of high-class hotels and living complexes in Avaza, to prepare tourist routes and to provide them with necessary infrastructure.

Turkmen leader also highlighted that according to the slogan of the year, it is necessary to highlight and popularize the success and achievements of our country.

Addressing Vice-premier Ch. Gylyjov and heads of trade complex, the Head of the State said that it is necessary to continue the formation of relative infrastructure, construction of big shopping centres and shops in the capital and velayats. The work of the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange has to be improved. State support of the entrepreneurship and large-scale measures for its development and stimulation have to be provided.

As you see we have a big work according to our current yearly programme, the Head of Turkmenistan has stated. Special responsibility for its implementation is laid upon the heads of the state administration authorities and managers of all levels. It means that they have to start working hand by hand with people and to provide the fulfilment of set objectives.