Ï Another phase of multilevel reforms starts

Another phase of multilevel reforms starts

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov approved the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025 at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on February 1. Another phase of multilevel reforms of the Head of the State, further structural reorganization of the branches of national economy and entire system of the government administration has started after adoption of this strategic document.

Development of the Programme has been regularly discussed at the sessions of the Government, meetings of the President with the Vice-premiers where detailed elaboration of its main directions taking into account the objectives of diversification and digitization of the economy, definition of the growth points and spheres of rapid development, which are aimed at improvement of wealth and life quality of Turkmen people, provision of the country’s prosperity and bringing of it to the rank of powerful states, has been carried out.

In this context, the Head of the State was focusing on the improvement of the institute of market economy in direction of the processes of modernization, international integration and tendencies of the world trade.

Objectives, assignments and orders of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on creation of innovative models of development served as the guideline for the ministries and departments, hyakimliks of the velayats in making of integrated and balanced programme of specific measures in the next seven years.

It is supposed that the growth of gross domestic product (GDP) of Turkmenistan will be 6.3 percent in 2019 and by 2025, it will reach 8.2 percent in the result of fulfilment of planned measures. By that time, the share of industry in the structure of the GDP has to be on 33.8 percent level, agriculture on 8.9 percent level, construction of 11.5 percent level and service sphere on 45.8 percent level.

Implementation of the Concept of Digital Economy will allow entering new high levels. Rapid production growth will be provided by the improvement of all branches, strengthening of equipment and facility base with application of the best world practices, advance scientific thought and innovative technologies.

Enhancement of the competiveness of national industry, increment of production, scientific and technical potential, expansion of the variety of national production will be achieved by rational use of local material resources, widening of their processing and creation of high added value. Quality of goods, which has not only yield but supersede foreign analogues, is the priority in this case.

The implementation of seven-year programme will require the introduction of efficient management methods, active attraction of private sector as drive engine in the conditions of marketing relations, reserves, which have not been used yet, and the advantages given by colossal natural resources of the country, its territorial capabilities and geo-political factors. In other words, special economic zones and economic corridors, which connect the regions of the country with each other and with neighbouring states, industrial fleets and clusters with developed transport and logistic infrastructure having access to foreign markets will receive the development.

Total volume of investments for the main capital in 2019 – 2025 will be 229.3 billion manats where 91.3 percent or 209.2 billion manats will be allocated for production sphere, which will promote the opening of new facilities and working places.

Dynamic growth of retail turnover, which according to the experts will be 81 billion manats with the growth rate of 29.1 percent comparing with 2019 (62.7 billion manats), is expected in medium term.

In the result of steadfast implementation of the policy of Turkmen leader, today, our country produces wide variety of high quality production, which is competitive in foreign market and provides internal food abundance and allowing substituting the import and increseign export positions of Turkmenistan.

According to new Programme of the President, the production volume of national consumer goods will be 16.1 billion manats in monetary terms and will grow by 22.2 percent comparing with the same indicator of 2019 (13.2 billion manats)

Total volume of foreign trade in the period of the Programme implementation will be 135.2 billion US dollars with the export component of 84.1 million dollars and import part on 51.1 million dollars level. This planned indicator of the difference between the components of foreign turnover will be provided annually, the developers of document assure based on the analysis of the dynamics of statistical data of previous years, forecast indicators and actual available resources of development of trade relations.

In addition, the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan accounts the objectives to be solved under National rural programme with reviewed timeline of opening of new facilities and new clarified list.

Therefore, 13 hospitals, 20 medical centres, 163 pre-school facilities, 201 secondary schools, 15 cultural centres, 11 water treatment facilities, 13 sewage treatment plants as well as 1,896,400 square meters of living will be built in 2019 – 2025.

The Programme provides the modernization of 17 hospitals, 22 medical centres, 2 kindergartens and 1 cultural centre. The investment to total amount of 9,976,700,000 manats (including 1,944,300,000 manats in Ahal Velayat, 1,244,100,000 manats in Balkan Velayat, 2,907,300,000 manats in Dashoguz Velayat, 1,851,300,000 manats in Lebap Velayat and 2,029,700,000 in Mary Velayat) to the main capital are planned for the above-mentioned purposes.

The list of production and social facilities in different branches of the economy, which are to be built and modernized for seven years has been composed. In this section, big role is given to non-governmental sector of the economy, which includes 134 agricultural and industrial facility.

Comprehensiveness of new presidential Programme as a platform for the implementation of profile activity is that it includes precise action plan for ministries and departments according to their specialization.

At the same time, the roadmap of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025 reflects the ways of Turkmenistan to achieve the Sustainable development goals based on conceptual ideas and initiatives proposed by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov from the podium of the United Nations, which received wide support of international community, proposals of Turkmen leader in the sphere of water, energy and transport diplomacy.

The Programme of the President of Turkmenistan gives special place to gradual plan of the events provided by the Concept of development of digital economy, which is to strengthen management potential and efficiency of the system of the state authorities on all level, administration in the branches by the promotion of technological innovations, improvement of communication between the government structures and civil society.

Following what was said above, it would not be exaggeration to say that next seven years will be the time of breakthrough innovations. Thus, we enter new phase of growth and progress after adoption of the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan of social and economic development in 2019 – 2025. In this case, such mechanisms and tools as the partnership between the state and private sector, investment, scientific and technological cooperation acquire special demand.

Owing to well-thought policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, major scientifically based projects, which gave acceleration to the industrialization of the country, have been implemented in the country, however, the advantage of science and technology are used not only in the economy but reach all levels of society supporting the enhancement of the life quality of Turkmenistan citizens.

Social orientation of economic strategy will remain in the centre of attention of the President, who proposed new model of growth, which is the improvement of the wealth of the nation based on stable economic development, creation of competitive innovative productions and productive working occupancies, expansion of business activity and accumulation of intellectual and human potential of the country

These are the main factors providing breakthrough move of Turkmenistan at new stage. They are set by Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as the main targets of the Programme of social and economic development until 2025.