Ï Halach Etrap Gets Ready to Open Drinking Water Treatment Plant

Halach Etrap Gets Ready to Open Drinking Water Treatment Plant

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Construction of a modern drinking water treatment plant nears completion in Halach etrap, Lebap velayat. It is being built by builders of an individual enterprise, Altyn Burgut, which is a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan. The construction and installation of major and additional water treatment equipment has now been completed. The plant is located nearby the Esenmengli Canal fed from the Amudarya River.

The complex has been built under the General Program for supplying clean drinking water to the cities, towns and settlements. As part of the Program, construction of drinking water treatment plants and renewal of existing facilities and utility systems is now well underway in all the regions, including Lebap velayat. Operational parameters of the plant with state-of-the-art facilities and a daily capacity of 30,000 cubic meters of safe drinking water envisage multi-stage water purification, softening and disinfection. All the processes are operated automatically.

Interestingly, Halach etrap also boasts massive underground resources of drinking water. Specialists of Turkmengeology State Corporation have recently discovered a vast freshwater reserve (Halaç-II) with a total area of some 59 square kilometers.