Ï Future development of fuel and energy complex: Digital wells and deposits

Future development of fuel and energy complex: Digital wells and deposits

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Development of recommendations for intellectual innovative development of petroleum industry including the projects of digital wells and deposits has to be one of the main direction of activity of profile scientific institutes, the Head of the State said at the session of the Government on February 8.

Having listened to the report of Vice-premier M. Meredov on the work of the facilities of fuel and energy complex in January this year, the President of Turkmenistan focused on the objectives of further development of petroleum industry, improvement of its production, scientific and technical potential, which is to support the improvement of competiveness of national fuel and energy complex in the world and to provide its significant contribution to social and economic progress of the country.

The Head of the State pointed out the perspectives that are opened by application of latest digital technologies in oil and gas sphere. It allows significant improvement of the efficiency of geological survey, development of hard-accessible hydrocarbon deposits and production return of old fields.

By the outcomes of January, the plan for oil and gas condensate production was executed by 103.2 percent, natural and associated gas by 107.9 percent, processing of hydrocarbon materials by 113.3 percent, production of gasoline by 101.3 percent, diesel fuel by 108.8 percent, lubricants by 100.9 percent, liquefied gas by 110.6 percent, investment development by 113.5 percent.