Ï February 12 – the date outlining the main way of Turkmenistan’s development

February 12 – the date outlining the main way of Turkmenistan’s development

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Two years are marked on February 12 since the elections of the President of Turkmenistan when millions of our countrymen using their constitutional rights and performing their civic duty voted for Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, having entrusted him the psot of the Head of the State for next seven years.

February 12 became momentous date for Turkmen nation - the main way in the modern history of the country, which was started in February 2007, when Turkmen nation voted for grandiose reforms, which have brought out our country to the rank of rapidly developing countries of the world, was outlined on that date in 2017 and 2012. unbreakable solidarity of our society, absolute trust and support of all beginnings of Turkmen leader were embodied during election campaigns and their outcomes.

Today, this remarkable date gives us the opportunity to look back at another stage that went in independent development of our country and to see its glorious milestones, to appreciate grandiose work that was carried out under the leadership of nationally elected President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

We all were the witnesses of how large-scale changes initiated by the Head of the State have brought Turkmenistan to the rank of dynamically developing countries, raised its international status as reliable partners and peace-making state, which has colossal economic potential. The reputation of the country in foreign relations depends on success of the implementation of home policy, prosperity of the nation, efficient social and democratic systems, civil institutions, which development is stimulated by the President of Turkmenistan making all conditions for the growth of national identity.

The most important achievement are contained in social fields together with fundamental modernization of basic branches and structures of activity of the State and changing of the image of ancient Turkmen land. These achievements are in the improvement of life quality of people, strengthening of legal guarantees, spiritual and cultural activation.

Having started conceptually new projects and directions of the country’s development, which are oriented to advanced international practice and integration of Turkmenistan to the world political and economic space, the Head of the State directed all reforms to creation of deserving conditions of life of people combining wealth and comfort, spiritual health of the society and opportunities for creative and intellectual personal fulfilment.

The President of Turkmenistan pays special attention to the assertion of new state ideology. Slogan “State for Human Being!” became its dominant. The main credo of National leader is to rely on the nation for the sake of the nation!

Spiritual values embodying the practice of previous generations are fastening elements of political culture in Turkmen society. these are organic combination of traditions with innovations, careful succession with constructive innovations, which outlined character feature of modern Turkmen political culture, which is based on the principles of true people’s democracy.

In other words, historical heritage became one of important resources of modernization of the country and development of Turkmen society and development of new horizons and perspectives, which are planned in major programmes of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, were built on historical experience of the nation and its primordial philosophical basis.

We and entire world community was watching the implementation of grandiose plans, bold ideas and deep political, economic and social processes turning Turkmenistan into powerful and prosperous country. Stable growth of the GDP, diversification of the industry, import substitutive branches and opening of new export capabilities, which were started from the scratch, became the indicators of success of all reforms of the Leader of the Nation.

Important steps have been made in creation of multidimensional network of transnational transport communications – gas pipelines, motor and railroads, maritime and air lines, new oil and gas processing facilities and other. Unprecedented acceleration rates were given to beneficial international cooperation , attraction of foreign investments, comprehensive reconstruction of entire mechanism of national economy management, development of marketing relations and private sector.

The Programme of social and economic development of Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025 providing large-scale plans for improvement of the competiveness of national economy, involvement of marketing mechanisms and tools as well as latest digital technologies, increment of the input of non-government sector, implementation of big investment projects of international and regional importance has been adopted recently.

Adoption of this strategic document gave start to next stage of the implementation of multilevel reforms, further structural reorganization of the branches of national economy and entire system of the state administration. Increment of production, scientific and technical potential, expansion of the variety of local production will be carried out by rational use of local material resources, improvement of the processing and creation of high added value.

The implementation of seven-year programme will require wide implementation of efficient management methods, active attraction of entrepreneurship, intensification of privatization processes, establishment of joint stock ventures, development of industrial clusters of innovative direction.

Provision of social wealth, protection of rights and interests of our people and every individual have always been, remain and will be key vector of the state policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov aimed at the improvement of quality and level of life of the population. Improvement of efficiency of health protection, science and education, culture and other activity supporting the formation of mature society are outlined among further measures.

At the same time, the roadmap of the state in 2019 – 2025 reflects the ways of achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals based on conceptual ideas and initiatives in water, energy and transport diplomacy proposed by the President of Turkmenistan from the tribune of the United Nations, which received wide support of international community.

There is no doubt that all set objectives will be fulfilled because as it is shown in practice, Turkmen people united around its leader is able to implement the most grandiose plans.

These are significant results and specific achievements of Turkmenistan, which reflected in everybody’s life and defined the highest trust of the citizens of the country to Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, whose efficient activity on the highest post has provided full justification of the slogan of this year “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity!”