Ï Session of Organization Committee for preparation to the I Caspian Economic Forum takes place

Session of Organization Committee for preparation to the I Caspian Economic Forum takes place

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Vice-premier, Head of Foreign Ministry Rashid Meredov informed the Head of the State about the outcomes of the session of Organization Committee for preparation to the first Caspian Economic Forum during video conference session.

The information about the organization of regional seminar “Caspian Sea – Sustainable Development and Management”, which would be held in Avaza National tourist zone for the seventh time, has also been presented to the President. Specialists of Caspian states will take part in the work of annual forum organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Department on Caspian Sea Affairs under the President of Turkmenistan together with International Ocean Institute.

The issues related to Caspian Sea are among priority aspects of foreign course of Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted. Coming Caspian Economic Forum is one of the starting strategic events in new history of our countries, which is provided by important international document – the Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea, signed by the outcomes of the V Summit of the Heads of Caspian States on August 12, 2018.

The agenda of the meeting has to include the subjects, which will make the base of perspective directions of cooperation of participating countries in the future. Such subjects as intensification of trade and economic relations including the creation of conditions for development and implementation of major investment projects in different spheres have to be discussed at the meeting, the President noted, having requested the Vice-premier, Head of the Foreign Minister to take proper measures for high-level organization of the forum.

Advantageous geographic location, rich hydrocarbon, fish and other natural resources, favourable climate conditions have made the basin of Caspian Sea dynamically developing industrial, transport and resort centre of Eurasia, the Head of the State continued. Having noted that in this regard, the importance of establishment of coordinated international cooperation in the sphere of integrated and solid system of ecological safety becomes more actual, the President requested to provide high level of preparation of annual regional seminar “Caspian Sea – Sustainable Development and Management”.