Ï Turkmenistan improves immunoprophylaxis

Turkmenistan improves immunoprophylaxis

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The level of public health care is one of the main indicators of the quality of life of the population in any country, the effectiveness of its state model and social policy. Strengthening the scientific and legal basis of health care, the development of medicine at all levels, in cities and villages in accordance with the WHO principles are priorities in this area.

Our country has become a model for many world countries in such an important area of public health as ensuring sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. The international certificates on the elimination of a number of infectious diseases in our country, as well as the fact that the experience of Turkmen doctors in this field is recommended for dissemination in the states of the WHO European Region vividly testify to the recognition of the success achieved by Turkmenistan in health protection.

The legislative base was strengthened for these purposes – the regulatory and methodological documents on the prevention and epidemiological surveillance of infectious diseases, etc. were improved.

As a result of the ongoing preventive measures, Turkmenistan was awarded with the certificate of the World Health Organization on the elimination of the parasitic disease dracunculosis in the country.

Vaccination is a key factor in the prevention of infectious diseases. The government provides funds for the purchase of vaccines and the means for immunization from the State budget. It is important to note that children are immunized with the high-quality vaccines approved by the World Health Organization.

The system providing the necessary conditions for the storage and transportation of immunobiological preparations was significantly strengthened and improved.

According to the State News Agency of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, at present, children are vaccinated against 11 infections free of charge: diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, measles, rubella, mumps, hepatitis B tuberculosis, Hib infection and human papillomavirus in accordance with the National Vaccination Schedule.

The calendar in Turkmenistan is regularly updated due to the introduction of new vaccines, the preference is given to modern combined vaccines that ensure the production of immunity to several infections simultaneously.

Vaccines protect against dangerous diseases. If all those in need are vaccinated, then there will be practically no people in the society amenable to infectious diseases. Immunological prophylaxis is the main tool to maintain the epidemiological welfare on a variety of infectious diseases, providing consistently high immunity to vaccinated children and adults over the years (95-99 percent).

The low morbidity rate is achieved in our country due to the large-scale immunoprophylactic work with a wide coverage of the population. The combination of high-quality immunization and effective epidemiological surveillance of vaccine preventable diseases has achieved significant results. Some infectious diseases have been completely eradicated, and the incidence rates of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, epidemiological parotitis, and others have been reduced. It should be noted that Turkmenistan received the “Certificate on the Elimination of Wild Poliovirus Circulation in the Country”.

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the programme on Prevention of Measles and Congenital Rubella Infection in Turkmenistan was adopted, and in 2015, the WHO Regional Office confirmed our country's achievement in eliminating measles and rubella.

Turkmenistan also supported and adopted the strategy of the WHO European Region “The Move from Malaria Control to Elimination 2006-2015”. According to the results of the successful implementation of measures taken by the World Health Organization in 2010, Turkmenistan was included in the list of countries that achieved elimination of malaria.

The implementation of state supervision over the quality and safety of food is one of the main tasks set by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the country.

Specialists of the Center carry out the work to prevent the import and combat the spread of especially dangerous infections on the territory of Turkmenistan using the reliable and the most advanced methods of laboratory control.

To protect an organism from any viruses, strong immunity is considered the key to health. In winter, it is necessary to fortify the immune system. It is important to ensure sufficient intake of vitamins B and C and to observe personal hygiene - wash hands with soap, air rooms 3-4 times a day and perform wet cleaning.

These simple but effective methods decrease the number of instances of respiratory illnesses. However, flu vaccination is considered the most efficient method for protection against cold-related diseases.

It should be noted that at present all Health Centres in the country do flu vaccination to protect those at risk.

In addition, all those wishing - adults and children 6 months of age and older can receive high-quality vaccines that the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry regularly purchase from the best manufacturers in the countries of Europe.