Ï Session of the State Security Council takes place

Session of the State Security Council takes place

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President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular session of the State Security Council where outcomes of activity of military and law enforcement agencies for January 2019 and measures for further strengthening of equipment and facility base of security forces have been discussed.

First, Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of National Security Ya. Berdiyev made report on the work for the period under review as well as on the measures for strengthening of defensive capability of the country, improvement of service, social and living conditions of military and relevant department personnel, training of qualified staff.

Turkmenistan is committed to the status of positive neutrality and invariably follows the principles of peace, goodwill and wide international cooperation, which is reflected in successful defensive Military doctrine, the Head of the State highlighted, having focused the importance selection of professional specialists for security forces.

Speaking of responsible mission of the Ministry of National Security, the supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country addressed the Secretary of the State Security Council, the Head of the Ministry with number of specific assignments.

Further, Minister of Interior I. Mulikov reported on the work in the period under review. Measures for fulfilment of the assignments related to the prevention of road traffic accidents, provision of fire safety, proper organization of activity of new structural division for detection of economic crimes were separate subjects of the report.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of wide implementation of advanced technologies for efficient solution of the objectives of the Ministry. Prevention of crimes and road accidents as well as the activity for compliance with fire safety rules are the main functions of the Ministry, the Head of the State noted. It is necessary to take active measures for fulfilment of the State Programme of combating against economic crimes, Turkmen leader highlighted, having addressed relative assignments.

Minister of Defence B. Gundogdiyev reported on the outcomes of work in National Army for January.

Having noted the importance of improvement of equipment and facility base of the divisions of Defence Department, which receive modern equipment. Turkmen leader ordered to hold under control further improvement of discipline in all military divisions and forces. High-level lessons, tactical training, field exercises as well as other activity aimed at improvement of combat and mobilization readiness of personnel, which were planned for this year, are important task in near term.

The Head of the State highlighted the issues of social provision of officers and their families, having given the Head of the Ministry with number of relative assignments.

Chairman of the Supreme Court G. Halliyev reported on the outcomes of work in January this year on improvement of national judicial system and professional level of personnel.

Our country confidently flows the course of progressive reforms, which are based on reliable foundation of the legislation meeting international law standards, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces highlighted. Judicial activity is oriented to provision of law, justice and public order, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized.

The Head of the State noted the role of this authority as efficient mechanism of the state protection including all spheres of legal regulation. Having focused on responsibility of personnel of this structure for their decisions, the President ordered to organize qualification improvement courses of judges.

Prosecutor General B. Atdayev reported on the outcomes of activity of the structures under his supervision for the period under review and on the measures for control of fulfilment of legal acts.

Summing up the report, the President highlighted that inspections of different branches of national economy is one of priority directions of work of this authority. Personnel of this structure have to work hard and honestly fulfilling set obectives for provision of the law supremacy, protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of human and citizen as well as interest of society and state, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces highlighted, having addressed number specific assignments.

Further, the Head of the State Border Guard Service Sh. Durdiyev reported on the outcomes of activity of his service for January.

Military doctrine adopted by our neutral state has exclusively defensive character, which meets the principles of peaceful policy of the country, the Head of the State highlighted. We support constructive dialog and fruitful cooperation with all countries, especially with neighbouring states, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued, having highlighted that protection of territorial integrity and economic interests of Turkmenistan is the main objective of the Service. It was mentioned that it is necessary to improve the work and create all conditions for efficient service, proper life and rest of military personnel for successful solution of this objective.

Chairman of the State Customs Service A. Osmanov reported on the activity of the service from the beginning of the year and on fulfilment of assignments for technical rearmament and improvement of professional level of personnel.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State highlighted that taking into account the growth of foreign economic activity and volumes of international cargo traffic, it is necessary to provide thorough inspection of production imported to the country, full compliance with set quality standards. It is necessary to pay special attention to modernization of equipment and facility base of customs terminals and application of modern methods of work, the President noted.

Minister of Justice B. Muhamedov reported on the work on the drafts of new laws and on the activities for explanation of regulatory and legal acts during systematic public receptions of the citizens.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of comprehensive development of legislation base of the country. It is important to study advanced practice in legal sphere, the Head of the State noted, having ordered the Minister to provide qualified legal support to the population.

After, the floor was given to Chairman of the State Migration Service M. Gurdov who reported on the activities carried out in the period under review.

The state policy in this sphere is aimed at the provision of the interests and safety of Turkmenistan citizens, observance of their right on free movement around the country and abroad in accordance with international law standards, Turkmen leader highlighted. Combination of positive world practice and fundamental principles of existing legislation, implementation of new work methods are the components of successful fulfilment of the functions of the Service, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces said, having ordered to use advanced information technologies in the system of division control more actively.

Summing up the outcomes of the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined key vectors of activity of security forces in near term. Having announced positive neutrality, peace-loving, goodwill and constructive international cooperation as fundamental principles, Turkmenistan implement Military Doctrine, which has exclusively defensive character and is aimed at provision of security of the country, strengthening of defensive capability of National Army, which is the guarantor of peaceful and prosperous life of people.

Reforms in security divisions of the country are subject to these purposes. The work in this direction would be continued, the President noted, having highlighted that social aspect of military reform is always under attention of the State.

Finishing the session, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success to the members of the State Security Council.