Ï Berlin hosts Turkmen – German business forum

Berlin hosts Turkmen – German business forum

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The capital of Germany hosted Turkmen – German business forum, for participation in which the delegation of country arrived in this European state. Current event was also aimed at further development of traditional dialog of friendship and beneficial cooperation of Turkmenistan with European countries, strengthening of positions of national branches in foreign market, improvement of their export, innovative and investment potential.

Turkmen – German business forum has gathered representatives of representatives of Foreign Department of Germany, Federal Ministries of economics and energy, agriculture and food, German International Cooperation Society, East European Association of Entrepreneurship Support, Representative of Office of German economy in Central Asia, Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Academic circles and numerous companies engaged in different spheres in the conference hall of Deutsche Bank AG building.

Banking business, printing, bio technologies, production of electronic equipment, road, construction and agricultural equipment, oil and gas industry, heavy machinery and aviation construction, logistics, etc. were among their specializations. There were around 70 big companies all together.

Turkmenistan was represented by the ministries of agriculture and natural protection, energy, finances and economics, textile industry, health protection and medical industry, State Concerns Turkmengaz and Turkmenhimiya, State Bank of Foreign Economic Affairs, administration of Ahal Velayat, Turkmen Agricultural University, International Oil and Gas University, Turkmenbashy International Seaport, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

The agenda of the forum included new proposals for planning of further trade and economic cooperation, the sides specified its directions and discussed the opportunities of efficient use of mutual potential, especially taking into account the diversification of Turkmenistan economy, wide implementation of high technologies to production, industrial infrastructure and digitization processes in the country.

Comprehensive assessment of economic potential of our country has been given at the forum, structural reforms in different branches have been characterized, the most important indicators and perspectives of development have been presented, current condition of turnover between Turkmenistan and Germany has been analysed and measures for further increment of turnover volumes taking into account the interests of two countries have been agreed at the forum.

Special attention has been paid to the expansion of innovative component of Turkmen economy, favourable investment climate in the country and beneficial terms for activity of foreign companies. It was mentioned that political stability, course toward democratization, consolidation of the supremacy of law and creation of the system of financial control, improvement of banking sphere and insurance market are important factors of investment attraction of Turkmenistan.

The Government under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov improves business environment for the encouragement investments; the strategy of development of export oriented industry has been developed and successfully implemented. The growth rate of the GDP of Turkmenistan was 6.2 percent by the outcomes of 2018.

German companies also make significant contribution to the implementation of long-term projects in our country. Long and efficient activity of such companies as Siemens AG, Glass Global Sales GmbH, John Deere Walldorf GmbH & Co. KG, Umax Trade GmbH in Turkmenistan are among them. In addition to these companies, the forum presented other German companies, which intend to improve their positions in Turkmen market.

The first session was dedicated to investment capabilities in fuel and energy complex and chemical industry of Turkmenistan. The strategy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in this sphere is aimed at diversification of hydrocarbon supplies and at multi optional routes of supply of Turkmen gas to foreign including European markets.

Great opportunities are opened for German companies producing the equipment for petroleum industry by such major projects in Turkmenistan as construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line, facilities for processing of natural gas and production polyethylene, polypropylene, synthetic gasoline and other goods. all of these is a big field for establishment of cooperation with world giants of chemical industry.

Turkmenistan also has detailed discussion about cooperation in energy and electro technical industries with interested parties including about the implementation of international projects – the construction of power lines from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Development of transport branches in Turkmenistan, to which Leader of the Nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays greatest attention, are among potential spheres, which are able to interest German business circles. The second session of business forum was dedicated to creation of modern multimodal transport infrastructure, where special attention was paid to the formation of new logistic schemes taking into account the opportunity of Turkmenbashy International Seaport.

Agricultural complex and further development of the partnership in supply of agricultural equipment to Turkmenistan, training of engineers and technicians are important sphere of bilateral relations. This circle of subjects was reviewed at the session Potential of development of cooperation in agricultural and food industry.

Our country is also interested in development of successful practice of the formation and operation of financial system of Germany, its financial and credit departments, insurance companies, stock exchanges. Deutsche Bank and Commerz Bank are old and reliable partners of Turkmenistan, which is ready to review the proposals of other German financial institutes, which took part in the forum.

Economic strategy of Turkmen state provides gradual increment of the share of private companies in the gross domestic production. Therefore, establishment of direct and close relations between business communities of two countries, attraction of investments, implementation of efficient management methods and advanced management solutions are important directions of cooperation.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlights that Turkmenistan is willing to provide the most favourable conditions for activity of German companies in different sections of the economy of our country, which is always open for constructive ideas and proposals and for responsible and reliable partnership. Hence, current forum is considered as an important step in expansion of long-term trade and economic relations, which is indicated by signing of official documents including on cooperation in supply of agricultural equipment, rational use of land and water resources, training of specialists for water management sphere and other specialities. Number of agreements was signed between the members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and German companies.

Exhibition of good made in Turkmenistan was organized under business event. In addition, bilateral meetings between representatives of our country and Germany were held at the fields of the forum.

The programme of working trip of Turkmen delegation also included the series of talks and consultations in the government structures of Germany, visit of companies and study of their innovative practices.

Business circles of Germany have demonstrated high interest to the intensification of cooperation with our country, intent to expand their presence in perspective Turkmen market, to take part in the implementation of large-scale governmental programmes initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, whose policy receives wide international support.