Ï President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: Our way is a way of creating

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: Our way is a way of creating

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The Centre of Public Organizations of the capital hosted the meeting of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with representative of public political parties and cultural sphere of the country. Members of the Government, leaders of the Mejlis, ministries and departments, military and law enforcement agencies, mass media, universities as well as the above-mentioned organizations and profile structures have been invited to participate in the event.

Opening the meeting and announcing the agenda, the Head of the State noted that it was decided to dedicate the meeting to discussion of the subjects that directly related to development of new ways and methods of successful implementation of adopted programmes of further development of the country as well as international initiatives proposed by Turkmenistan.

Addressing the participants with detailed program speech, the Head of the State highlighted that our way is a way of creating. We confidently take of independent neutral state to high targets.

Policy pursued in this direction, economic and cultural reforms are initially aimed at the provision of social protection of the citizens of the country. The achievement of high targets is the guarantee of solidarity of the state and nation, power and prosperity of the Motherland. Therefore, further development requires responsibility and organization, ability to approach any matter deliberately, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

Having continued fundamental reformation of social and political life of the country, we would provide the expansion of the democracy and modernization of legal framework of the state, would improve creative potential of the nation, the Head of Turkmenistan noted.

Speaking of this, the President highlighted that important role in these issues is given to the youth as this is our future. Focusing on set objectives in this sphere, the Head of the State noted that supporting creative abilities of growing generation and helping the most talented children, the Youth Organization has to give them space for personal growth.

It is necessary to pay the attention to the improvement of efficiency of work of pre-school facilities for revealing the interest of children to such fundamental studies as technical creativity, computer technologies, mathematics, physics, chemistry. Having found the most talented people this way, it is necessary to give them the way for participation in international contests.

Success of our state is directly related to happy life of the youth, which concentrate the authority and future of the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said. In this regard, the efforts of public organizations, especially the Youth Organization, have to be aimed at the provision of legal and social protection of young people, popularization of spiritual, moral and cultural values among them.

In this context, the Head of Turkmenistan noted that formation of pride for our glorious past, present life and future is the main goal. Sacred words Motherland and Nation have to be the slogan of our young men and women.

Wide attraction of the youth to entrepreneurship activity is necessary in the time of high technologies and transit to marketing relations. Every person, especially the young, has to look confidently into the future in our powerful independent state. This is the basis of the state policy of Turkmenistan, the President said.

Public, especially the Youth, organizations are required to put more efforts and to carry out the work for formation of intellectually developed young generation, improvement of education, expansion of the world outlook, propaganda of activity oft eh state in this area on high organizational level.

Addressing the participants of the meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that national crafts, practice of farming, gardening, livestock breeding inherited from the ancestors are very important these days. Demand on carpets, jewellery, millworks and pottery, which are brought up to artistic level, grows. Hence, national crafts, which are passed down from generation to generation, continue developing today.

These values originated by the skill of our nation are consonant with its spirit. The sources of national originality, special role in the world civilization contained in this, the Head of the State highlighted.

The President continued that Turkmenistan has huge capabilities for active assertion of the principles of healthy life style. It means that we have to attract as much people to sports, especially young men and women, as possible, to inspire them and to involve to healthy life style.

This is the guarantee of deserved future of the nation, which is the generator of the progress of the country. therefore, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated, following healthy life style principles and successful implementation of target programmes and initiative are important objective for all of us.

The Head of the State noted that everybody knows how rapidly the science, education and advanced technologies are developed in the world. it is impossible to keep up with the world progress, to achieve high results in economics and social life without knowing informational technologies. It means that issues of integrated modernization of education system come to priority positions.

The country has started the reforms in this sphere in 2007. Big work have been done by now - from bringing equipment and facilities base of the system to modern condition t improvement of its structure, methods of teaching and education.

Modern youth is totally different from previous generations, the Head of the State said. Having chosen patriotism, friendship and mercy as a life creed, our younger generation has an excellent knowledge of information technologies, skilfully deals with complicated production technologies, makes creative initiatives aimed at the acceleration of scientific and technical progress of the state and implementation of innovations.

In this context, we can easily trust the management of large economic systems of international level to young specialists, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

We are proud of our school and university students at international scientific and educational contests. At the same time, we understand that farther we go more rapid acceleration of the reforms in this sphere we have to make. That is why we declared the transit to digital system of education and digitization of the economy. If we fail to activates creative potential of the society and train young scientists, engineers, technologists and specialists – the managers of digital economy, it will be difficult for us to enter the level of competitive state, the Head of the State highlighted.

In this regard, Turkmen leader noted that it is necessary to pay special attention to rapid transit to digital education system and digitization of economy as an important condition of national development. The necessity of wide participation of public organizations in implementation of new stage of the reforms in educational sphere comes up.

Book “Source of Wisdom” cites Turkmen saying: “The craft is a running stream, the science is a bright poppy flower”. It is impossible to give better characteristic to the relation between the past and the future, which is the main component of the system of human abilities.

Continuing the subject, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that development of science, glorification and popularization of national heritage have to become an important component of the activity of public organizations, especially the Youth Organization, Women Union and other.

The Head of the State said that our spiritual heritage has to come to the priority in the state policy and in propaganda and education of the youth as an example. This is an excellent example of the concentration of wise primordial traditions, in which special attention is paid to physical and moral purity and high morale.

Having highlighted that consolidation of common efforts is necessary in solution of these objectives, the President cited national saying: “Together we can move the mountains”. The main thing is to work with full responsibility. Working hand by hand, we would provide happy life of people, Turkmen leader said.

Further, the Head of the State read the «Türkmeniň» poem of outstanding Turkmen poet and thinker Magtumguly Fragi, which are filled with patriotic feelings:

The tribes live like a single family,
Using one table for celebration,
The motherland has a great destiny,
The granite is melting in front of Turkmen army.

These beautiful verses united millions of people. This unbreakable unity and patriotism gave birth to solidarity, having become the guarantee to the strength of our state and unification of people. This is a power helping us to win, reliable guarantee of our future success, the Head of the State noted.

In this aspect, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused in the activity, which public organizations as well as members of elected and representative authorities have to demonstrate in all subjects and to work in close cooperation as the candidates are nominated by political parties during the elections to representative authorities.

Having wide outlook, responsible attitude to the state policy and work with people, orientation of creative potential of the nations to the service to people and state are the main requirements for the candidates. Therefore, political parties and public organizations have to nominate the candidates with wide outlook, big political experience, who are loyal to people, primordial national traditions and customs, the Head of the State highlighted.

Speaking of the subject of entrepreneurship, which has to be carried out in full compliance with the legislation, the President stated that important role is given to public organizations in solution of this issue, especially to the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and Magtumguly Youth Organization.

Continuing his speech and addressing the participants of the meeting, the President noted that special importance and attention are paid to the development of national culture, which inspires the society for great achievements, enrichment and wide popularization of tangible and spiritual values, traditions and customs.

Cultural facilities built in Ashgabat, velayats, etraps and cities have fundamentally chaged the image of the country. Today, theatres, libraries, museums, cultural clubs, Ylham Park of the capital have turned into the most visited place by our people and guests of the country. All these facilities are convincing evidence of the prosperity of national culture and art.

The President noted that national cultural, public and political figures take an active part in social and political activities in the country. Making scientific works and art works, forming the culture, they do many things for patriotic education of younger generation. We are glad that TV and radio channels, printing media, high and secondary specialized education institutes held traditional cultural meetings between the youth and mentors and interesting discussions, the Head of the State noted.

Names of our poets and authors, winners of Magtumguly International Award – Ata Kaushutov, Beki Seytakov, Yilgay Durdiyev, Gara Seytliyev, Allaberdy Hayidov, Mammed Seyidov, Berdy Kerbabayev, Nazar Gullayev, Berdynazar Hudaynazarov, Nurmurat Saryhanov, Aman Kekilov, Nury Bayramov, Kerim Kurbannepesov, Kurbannazar Ezizov and Asyrberdy Kurt are immortalized together with the names of prominent people, who made valuable contribution to the development of the world science, culture and art, in beautiful Ylham Park in the Ashgabat. All of them are prominent personalities who glorified our Motherland.

We are proud of our prominent compatriots who glorified our Motherland and try to immortalize their memory, to continue what they did and to bring our beloved country to the level of exemplary states of the world, the Head of the State noted.

Following this, the names of prominent theatre, cinema, music and song art personnel like Alty Karliyev, Maya Kuliyeva, Byashim Nuraly, famous bakshys and musicians Shukur Bakhshy, Magtumguly Garliyev, Sahy Jepbarov, writer Osman Odayev would be immortalized for advancement of the society to new cultural achievements, inspiration of current and future generations for great deeds, education in the spirit of high humanity. Historical names of settlements and other objects will be restored.

For this purpose, the President proposed to name the State Medical University after Myrat Garriyev, who used to be prominent government and public official, mentor of the youth and made desrvign contribution to development of various spheres in the life of the country. he has great merits in creation of modern health protection system including Medical University.

The Head of the State also noted that it is reasonable to name National Conservatory or the Mukams Palace after famous cultural worker, Hero of Turkmenistan Maya Kuliyeva.

As is known, it is planned to start the construction of new etrap in the northern part of the capital, which streets have to be also named after of prominent contemporaries. In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that this fact would have great educational significance for our youth.

Culture is a soul of the nation.
Culture is a golden treasury of inspired soul of the nation.
Cultures is moral and spiritual lighthouses of the nation.

Therefore, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted, its main objective is to improve the authority of our independent state in the world based on creative potential, culture and spiritual powers of the nation.

- I think that individual reaches its perfectness by respecting and praising his Motherland, bearing high his human dignity, glorifying peace and friendship, attaining the triumph of humanity and mercy, - the Head of the State said.

Poetic lines of Mollanepes live in our hearts and souls:

If two start to fight, stop them,
Do not let them do worth!

This philosophy became life creed of our nation long time ago. These national principles are laid in the foundation of our state policy. That is why we urge all nations, people and states of the planet to solidarity, friendship and brotherhood, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

The reforms in the country have formed the image in new age and new society, the Head of Turkmenistan said. Resting on our spiritual values, traditions, positive practice, public organizations have to give more modern forms to their work in order to solve current issues of present and future. Having activated and united creative powers of society in implementation of important objectives followed from the programme of the state development, it is necessary to form its ideology, world outlook, new spiritual and moral values.

Further, the President noted that multiparty system was made in the country for the first time in the history in the result of important political and legal reforms, which was held recently. Having taken of the leading places in organization of democratic elections, nomination of representatives for participation in these elections, political parties became the power consolidating and uniting our society. Trade unions, the Youth Organization, Women Union of Turkmenistan also play an important role in people’s life.

In this regard, the Head of the State highlighted that public associations have to support the compliance of labour and social rights of people, to provide their right for rest, creative activity in scientific, technical and cultural spheres, to help the youth in finding deserving place in life and personal growth.

In addition, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov advised them to show high activity in protection of family and provision of family relations, unbreakable connection of the generations, solution of many issues of social life based on modern requirements. At the same time, the President states that unfortunately, public organization are not active enough in solution of these objectives.

Turkmen leader noted that speaking of the solidarity and patriotism, Jigalybek from the famous epic of Gyorogly inspires his grandson Gyorogly on heroic deeds giving him following advice:

If people decided something,
You have to be with them!

Gyorogly’s heroic deeds who come over the mountains and rivers on his horse Gyrat evoke the feelings of pride for our past, present and future. They fill is with joy and give moral power.

Gyoroglu bek says:

I love my nation and every Turkmen,
With endless love.

Having read these inspired words, the Head of Turkmenistan urged to love Turkmen land with all heart.

This land with its unique flora and fauna, beautiful gorges and springs is our Motherland. This is a homeland of white wheat, tasty fruits, Altyndepe, Margush and Jeytun cultures, paradise horse, beautiful Turkmen carpets, fine jewellery, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted. Caravan routes used to cross this land, great scientists who enriched spiritual treasury of humanity used to live and work there. This is the land of great word masters. They created their immortal works here, our great ancestors, for whom patriotism, courage and humanity were the meaning of life, lived here.

Inviolability of independence of our Motherland is in the unity of the state and nation. Prosperity of our country is in the unity of the state and nation, Independence, solidarity, prosperity is our national pride, - the Head of the State highlighted.

Today, our people, having consolidated under the Flag that has international authority of firm sovereign state, confidently move toward new level of progress. Our policy aimed at the construction of developed state, large-scale reforms for great and noble goals would turn the Motherland into prosperous place with happy life, peace, justice and stability, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the confidence.

Speaking of this, the Head of the State finished his speech with poetic lines of Kurbannazar Ezizov:

Even if we are in trouble,
We wish our Motherland be with us.

The President also cited the verses of National poet of Turkmenistan Kerim Kurbannepesov:

I bend my knees
In front of father, mother and homeland
I do not need another destiny.

Let all of us be lucky to serve our country and people, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted summing up what was said above.

The speech of the Head of the State was listened with deep attention and met with loud applauses of the participants.

After, the President gave floor the participants of the meetings.

Chairperson of National Trade Unions Centre and Central Women Union of the country G. Atayeva expressed the confidence that current meeting of the President with representatives of social and political organizations and cultural personnel would be big stimulus in solution of important objectives.

It was noted that high assessment given to the work of activists of public organizations on propaganda of the importance of the reforms of the Head of the State among the population as well as on strengthening of the solidarity of the society has inspired to approach the activity on initiative and responsible basis.

National programmes in the country, achieved success and prosperous life of people – all of these, is interrelated with the beginnings of the President of Turkmenistan.

Trade Unions and Women Union steadily carry out big work on propaganda of primordial family values, national traditions and customs, such high principles of our ancestors as loyalty to homeland, family, commitment to honest work.

Explanation of the meaning and main goals of the policy of the head of the State is our main objective, G. Atayev highlighted, having assured on behalf of the members of the trade Unions and Women Council that they would put all efforts for the prosperity of the Motherland.

After, the floor was given to Chairman of the Central Council of Magtumguly Youth Organization S. Babayev. Representative of Turkmen youth noted that owing to the policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the subjects of harmonic development of younger generation are solved on the government level, wide opportunities fit its education in the spirit of high patriotism, receiving of quality education, going on for sports and physical training are created. New working places are provided with the opening of big industrial facilities.

Great successes of our state inspire young people on creative work for the country’s prosperity, on innovative approach to their work. It was noted that Turkmen youth makes deserving contribution to the protection of spiritual values of our ancestors, formation of high moral and spiritual principles of future generations.

On behalf of the members of Magtumguly Youth Organization, the speaker expressed the gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for large-scale changes, which are to provide steadfast progress of the state and society.

Further, the floor was given to Chairman of the Central Council of the Party of Industrialists and entrepreneurs S. Ovganov. He highlighted that big work was made for the short period, which resulted in the achievement of progress of the country, improvement of social and living conditions of the population.

Together with other spheres, the programmes and laws aimed at the development of private sector as an important component of national economy have been adopted. All conditions and opportunities for reveal of the potential of entrepreneurship, practical formation of national business are created.

Referring the entrepreneurs to as golden fund of the country, the President gives us big trust, S. Ovganov said, having highlighted that at present time, Turkmen businessmen build big industrial facilities, modern shopping complexes, social and cultural facilities, actively participate in construction of new villages owing to the government support. Making high quality, environmentally friendly and competitive production, they become famous in the world.

Together with growing activity in all branches of economy, national business circles, actively participate in social and political life of the country. The Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs has its representatives in the Mejlis of Turkmenistan and local administration authorities. The members of the Party try to make deserving contribution to the implementation of progressive beginnings aimed at further steadfast social and economic development of the country.

S. Ovganov assured that members of the PIET would put all efforts for successful fulfilment of their objectives on attraction of investments, wide implementation of innovative technologies, creation of new work places, production o import substitutive goods, improvement of export potential of national economy, provision of food abundance.

Next, Chairman of the Agrarian Party B. Annagurbanov made his speech. Having expressed the confidence that 2019 would be marked with new achievements, he noted the importance of current meeting, during which the Head of the State set new important objectives for political parties and public organizations in his speech.

It was highlighted that from the first days on high government post, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays special attention to the improvement of the principles of national power, which resulted in the growth of political culture and public consciousness. Several new political parties have emerged in the country. The Agrarian Party is one of them, for which fruitful activity all conditions are available.

Fundamental changes are carried out these days in agricultural complex, which received new impulse at the first session of the People’s council last year. Big work is made for the transit of agricultural production to marketing relations, bringing up of true and rational land owners and improvement of private sector.

Members of the Agrarian Party also participates in this versatile activity by carrying out an active explanatory work among the population. On behalf of all agrarians, the politician expressed the gratitude to the Head of the State for the efforts for the prosperity of the Motherland.

After, the floor was given to Chairman of the Democratic Party of the country A. Serdarov who noted that current meeting with the Head of the State dedicated to the priorities of the country development raise the feeling of responsibility for coming activity among the participants.

Having highlighted deep content of the speech of the President of Turkmenistan, the Chairman of the Democratic Party assured that political parties and public organizations of the country would always be guided by the advices and objectives set by of the Head of the State and would put all efforts and practice for further improvement of solidarity and unity of the nation.

Finishing the meetings with the representatives of public and political organizations and cultural personnel of the country and summing up its outcomes, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished strong health, happy and wealthy life and great success in work to all participants.