Ï Veterinary clinic and shelter for homeless pets to be built

Veterinary clinic and shelter for homeless pets to be built

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During the working session on February 15, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that Turkmen people have always taken care of domestic animals and made proposal to organize specialized clinic and to take it under the Government support. This medical facility would be also opened for the participation of the entrepreneurs and wide public as well as relative volunteers in this noble affair.

The Head of the State gave instructions to choose the place for the clinic and the provide the shelter for homeless animals in its structure. It is necessary to arrange relative work with wise application of rich national practice that has been developed for centuries, advanced methods of treatment and prevention of animal diseases, the President noted.

The shelter can also be used by people who changed their homes and are not able to have cat or dog at home, as well as those who leave on vacation or on business trip and their pets require care and attention in this period.

Some people are not able to take of home pets due to age or illness but do not one to leave them. They would be able to give their animals to shelter and to visit their pets when they can.

Undoubtedly, it will require the creation of good conditions in new zoological centre, not from the living of animal point of view but also from the position of the attitude of personnel to these animals, the Head of the State noted. It is necessary to arrange the conditions meeting modern standards, which are available in this field in the world, to study and implement the best practices, which have been elaborated in developed countries.

The centre has also to be open for those who wish to communicate with the animals, to play and might find the pet and friend for themselves.