Ï The election campaign enters active phase

The election campaign enters active phase

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Preparation to important social and political events is expanding in Turkmenistan. The elections of the deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, members of the People’s Councils of velayats, etraps and cities and Gengeshys of several districts, which are to delegate the most deserving and competent people, who deserve the respect and trust of compatriots by their honest work, will be held on March 31.

According to the Constitution of Turkmenistan, electoral code and principles of existing international standards in this sphere, wide election campaign has been started all across the country. sessions of the Central Election Committee and regional election committees have been held under the campaign. Plans of the utmost activities, which are to provide the preparation and conduct of the elections on high organizational level, have been approved at these meetings. At present time, meetings dedicated to the nomination of representative of the Democratic Party, the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the Agrarian Party as well as group of citizens are held.

According to the approved plan of events on preparation and conduct of the elections, representatives of Central Election Committee have organized training seminars for the members of election committees of etraps, cities, settlements and gengeshlysk, during which the representatives of the local committees received methodological recommendation on the aspects of work with electoral documentation, provision of rights of the citizens of the country. First of all, these are common electoral right, voluntary participation in the elections, equal opportunities for nominated candidates, freedom of campaigning, transparency and publicity. The specialists of the Central Election Committee gave consultations to the participants of the training.