Ï Inter-ministerial Commission on Human Rights Takes Stock of Its Work in 2018

Inter-ministerial Commission on Human Rights Takes Stock of Its Work in 2018

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The Institute of State, Law and Democracy hosted a meeting of the Inter-ministerial Commission on Ensuring Turkmenistan’s Compliance with International Obligations in the Field of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law that reviewed the results of its work in 2018 and discussed its further activity. The meeting was attended by representatives of the country’s National Parliament, several ministries and sectoral agencies, and public organizations.

The speakers noted that during the period under review a range of measures was implemented in the country to ensure further democratization of the society and strengthening of the legal framework of the statehood. As part of the active cooperation with the UN, particularly in the field of human rights, Turkmenistan acceded to the principal international legal documents and has been taking practical steps to implement the provisions of these documents.

This resulted in the integrated legal reform that led to the consistent improvement of law and legal framework with regard to the priority aspects of the country’s socio-economic development and the fundamental principles of international law. Consequently, monitoring the national legislation and drafting relevant recommendations, as well as raising public awareness on Turkmenistan’s regulations and laws aimed at ensuring fundamental human rights and freedoms is among the essential fields of the Commission’s work.

The delegates specifically focused on the implementation of Turkmenistan’s National Human Rights Action Plan for 2016-2020, the National Action Plan on Gender Equality in Turkmenistan for 2015-2020, as well as the National Action Plan on the Children’s Rights for 2019-2020 approved by the Resolutions of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

In this regard, they stressed the need for the further strengthening and development of fruitful contacts established with reputable international organizations, under which foreign experts conduct seminars, meetings and consultations for local specialists that focus on drafting national reports, reviews and studying the best practiced in the field of human rights.

Several other issues were reviewed and efforts to successfully implement the Plan for 2019 were also discussed at the meeting of the Inter-ministerial Commission.