Ï Modern Water Treatment Facility Solemnly Commissioned in Kaka District

Modern Water Treatment Facility Solemnly Commissioned in Kaka District

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An opening ceremony of a modern water treatment facility built in “Turkmenistan” private farm association and a groundbreaking ceremony for the secondary school in Garahan village took place in Kaka district of Ahal province as part of the Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the country for 2019-2025 approved by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The celebrations were attended by the deputy governor of Ahal province, Serdar Berdimuhamedov; representatives of the National Parliament, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, city and district administrations, public organizations; honorable elders and young people.

The attendees noted that comprehensive measures were being implemented to protect water resources, to ensure the systematic introduction of resource-saving technology at construction of water facilities and systems, and to employ best practices and latest scientific findings in this field.

Along with the construction of water treatment facilities, major efforts were deployed to build new water lifting stations and water reservoirs and to increase the capacity of the existing reservoirs with a view to improving water supply and accumulating water resources.

The water treatment facility built and commissioned today in “Turkmenistan” private farm association by Mukaddes Toprak, a local private enterprise, will be able to treat 30 thousand cubic meters of high-quality drinking water daily thus fully satisfying the needs of the residents of surrounding settlements.

Small and medium-sized enterprises that carry out and consistently strengthen their involvement in important social projects throughout the country play a major role in implementing major state programs.

Process parameters of the facility built by entrepreneurs provide for a multi-stage treatment and disinfection of water. It has dozens of modern pump units, filters, laboratory and other types of equipment. Before being supplied to the public distribution system, the water will be thoroughly analyzed several times at the plant’s laboratory.

A groundbreaking ceremony for a secondary school for 400 students took part in Garahan village as part of the celebrations. Owadan Zemin private enterprise committed to the project that will become one of the steps towards implementing major reforms in the educational system.