Ï Ruhubelent horse is presented to Galkynysh Group on behalf of the head of the State

Ruhubelent horse is presented to Galkynysh Group on behalf of the head of the State

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Ruhubelent horse is presented to Galkynysh Group on behalf of the head of the State
Horse Ruhubelent was presented to Galkynysh group on behalf of the Head of the State. This news started the performance in the State Circus and all spectators who came to the show have welcomed the news with loud applauses. Excellent racer of wonderful beige and pearl colour has demonstrated its magnificent stature and grace.

It was born in the first days of 2017, which was the Year of Health and Inspiration in the country. That is why, the President of Turkmenistan named it Ruhubelent. Back then, little awkward foal leaned against its mother, which did not leave him one step away. The mare trusted its foal only to tender and caring hands of the breeders… Two years after, the foal has turned into mature, strong horse with magnificent posture and splendid exterior, excellently trained and ready to outstanding artistic career and winning of all world’s arenas with its magnificent beauty.

Thousands years history of Turkmen nation is closely related to fast ahalteke horses. The ability to breed these wonderful horses speaks of the skill of our people as true masterpiece, which ahalteke horse undoubtedly is, can be created only by full dedication of all strength, talent and soul and in the harmony with nature.

Unprecedented measures by scale and significance are taken in the country for the development of infrastructure of the industry, popularization of equestrian sports and national horse riding traditions. Modern equestrian complexes meeting international standards, which became not only the arenas for the races but also the centres of popularization and development of favourite national sports, have been built in all velayats by the decision of the Head of the State. The State Association Türkmen Atlary solves such important issue as to preserve all merits of ahalteke horse and traditions of horse breeding, which receive new life owing to personal patronage of Turkmen leader.

International Ahalteke Equestrian Association was founded in August 2010 with its headquarter in Ashgabat. Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has been unanimously elected as the President of the Association for the merits in development of ahalteke horse breeding in Turkmenistan and in international arena. The main goals of the organisation are to multiply the world glory of ahalteke horses, which are priceless input of Turkmen nation to the treasury of human culture, to control of the livestock of thoroughbred horses in foreign countries, to organize international equestrian competitions, to improve the level of theoretical and professional training of specialists, protection of gene pool and increment of elite livestock of the breed.

The training centre for younger generation has been open under Ashgabat Equestrian Complex. International Equestrian Complex with modern exemplary Aba Annayev village in Kyarizek Gengeshlyk, Gyoktepe etrap, Ahal Velayat is the largest equestrianfacility in Turkmenistan. New facility is designated for breeding of 600 ahalteke horses.

The buildings for High International Horse Breeding School with hippodrome and training fields, race arenas and stables, Scientific and Production Horse Breeding Centre will be also built. These facilities and International Equestrian Complex nearby will form true horse breeding cluster, which will allow bringing this industry to new world level.

National circus art is developed in the country with the support of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. After many years, the State Circus of Turkmenistan resumed its work. The conditions for complex performances have been made after complete reconstruction of its building and provision with modern equipment. Recently, the circus art became significant occurrence in cultural life of the country and spare time of the residents and guests of the capital. National circus school grew stringer and received active development; the number of genres has been increased. Our circus artists not only please their countrymen with bright and spectacular performances but also win the awards of international festivals.

…Having received another horse as a gift, Turkmen riders addressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for huge support and care of development of national horse breeding.

From the first days of its opening in 2007, the Galkynysh Group bear its mission with honour – to popularize rich history of nation, which everlasting heritage and pride are legendary ahalteke horses. Having conquered true love of Turkmenistan citizens, the Group continue winning the most demanding foreign audience, which is indicated by outstanding tours as well as triumph performance at international circus art festivals.

It is worth reminding that in November 2012, the President of Turkmenistan presented 50,000 US dollars to the State Circus for the development of national circus art. The Head of the State also donated his prizes for the victories at the races among master jockeys for further development of equestrian industry of Turkmenistan, increment of livestock of ahalteke horses in the country and for improvement of equipment and facility base of this sphere.

Our people have an old tradition to gift the most valuable what they have as a sign of respect and gratitude and the way Turkmens love horses, take care of them breeding unbelievable horses goes without saying. Hence, it is not surprise that the President receives the best elite ahalteke horses as a gift on national holidays and other remarkable events. In his turn, the Head of the State gives these horses to the Galkynysh group giving it an opportunity to develop oneself.

Starting from the first triumph at the World Circus Art Festival in Moscow (Russian Federation) in October 2013, when Turkmen artists won the main prizes almost in all nomination including the main award – the Golden Idol Cup, the Galkynysh Group continue conquering the most demanding public.

For example, XVI International Circus Arts Festival in Italian Latina in October 2014 has brought bright award to Turkmen horse riders. Our artists won the main prize of the contest – the Golden Cup, and number of other prizes including the Diploma of Italian Ahalteke Association.

2015 was not an exclusion as well. Horse riders of the Galkynysh National Equestrian Games Group were the best among 32 leading circus teams from 22 countries and recived the Colden Cup.

Thus, winning march of Galkynysh Group alogn the planet was continued. Upon arrival home from China, the heroes was welcomed by numerous residents of the capital. During official award ceremony, they have received 50,000 US dollars in behalf of the President of Turkmenistan for the victory at the International Circus Art Festival.

Such appreciation gave wings to the horse riders. At the Wolrd Nomadic Games in Cholpon – Ata, the Kyrgyz Republic in September 2016, Turkmen horse riders were the winners again. Again, the State colours of Turkmenistan were hoisted and entire nation shared the joy of success with the Galkynysh group.

The main prize of Golden Gaetano was won by Turkmen horse riders at the I International Circus Art Festival at Fountain Square, which was held in Saint Petersburg in May 2018 and gathered together circus artists from Belgium, Germany, China, Korea. Portugal, Italy, Norway, Russia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kenia, Ukraine and other states. This triumph of united team of the Galkynysh National Equestrian Games Group, Ahalteke Equestrian Complex and Turkmen Jigits group of the State Circus raised the wave of national pride for the coompatriots who deservingly presented our country at the world leading arenas.

All these successful performances of Turkmen horse riders became bright evidence of integrated work carried out in the country for bringing of circus art of Turkmenistan to the world level and another important step toward further popularization of ahalteke breed and skills of our jigits.

It is worth reminding that in 2018, stallion Akhan from Ahalteke Equestrian Complex was entered o the Guinness World Record Book where unique ability of the horse has been officially registered. It managed to walk rearing 10 meters for 4.19 seconds, having improved previous record in this nomination.