Ï The Institute of International Relations hosts the conference dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan

The Institute of International Relations hosts the conference dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan

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The Institute of International Relations hosts the conference dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan
The Institute of International Relations hosts the conference dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan
The Institute of International Relations hosts the conference dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan
The Institute of International Relations hosts the conference dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan
The Institute of International Relations hosts the conference dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan
The Institute of International Relations hosts the conference dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan
The Institute of International Relations hosts the conference dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan
The Institute of International Relations hosts the conference dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan
The Institute of International Relations hosts the conference dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan
The Institute of International Relations hosts the conference dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan
The Institute of International Relations hosts the conference dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan
The Institute of International Relations hosts the conference dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan
The Institute of International Relations hosts the conference dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan
The Institute of International Relations hosts the conference dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan
The conference “Turkmen Diplomacy: Serving to Solve International Issues” dedicated to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan took place at the Institute of International Relations.

The forum brought together the heads of the diplomatic missions and international organizations, accredited in Turkmenistan, diplomats, specialists of research institutes, teachers and students of a number of the higher educational institutions, etc.

The address of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the diplomatic personnel and the forum participants was presented during the conference.

A video film dedicated to the aspects of the foreign-policy activities carried out by the President of Turkmenistan was presented during the conference. It was underlined that our country had reached the advanced positions in the system of international relations, proving itself as an important participant of global processes.

Gaining the status of permanent neutrality that was recognized by the UN General Assembly and supported by the world community, more opportunities have been opened for Turkmenistan to enhance and strengthen the authority as the country, the political strategy of which prioritizes the development of cooperation with all interested countries and peoples of the world. The creative character of neutrality and its fundamental principles that are reflected in the foreign policy and diplomacy of Turkmenistan allow developing positive relations, based on the traditions of mutual consent and respect.

Those speaking during the forum underlined that the new heights at the international arena had been achieved under the guidance of the Turkmen leader. That is vividly proved by the rapidly developing kind, equal and mutually beneficial relations, first of all, with the neighbouring states, countries in the region.

Following the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan, the Institute of International Relations launched the special courses on the Turkmen neutrality, the scientific research of our country’s international initiatives in the framework of the courseworks, diploma works, thesis research.

The forum participants noted that in the age of globalization, the role of diplomacy in the international relations significantly increased. Along with the classical problems, such as meeting the national interests and implementation of the foreign-policy course, the diplomats have new functions and forms of activity.

In this regard it was emphasized that the Turkmen diplomacy exemplified the combination of the traditional and modern functions, the adherence to the generally recognized norms of the international law, the principles of equality and mutual respect, friendship, neighbourliness and cooperation between the states. The foreign-policy strategy, pursued by the President of Turkmenistan is characterized by the sustainability, multi-vector nature, consistency and adherence to the multifaceted constructive approaches to address the international problems.

Our country initiates the development of such important areas as the economic, transport, energy, water, cultural and sports diplomacy. Particular attention is paid to the preventive diplomacy and its mechanisms: maintaining the peace, diplomatic adjustment of disputes, peace-building and confidence-building measures.

The main vectors of the foreign policy of Turkmenistan include the expansion of friendly relations with all countries of the world to ensure the universal interests and well-being, close cooperation with large credible organizations, primarily with the United Nations. Fulfilling all bilateral and multilateral international agreements, treaties and conventions, our country fully and strictly follows its obligations, fully using its impressive political, economic and cultural potential in the name of peace and progress.

On occasion of the professional holiday, the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan awarded number of young diplomats and students of the Institute with diplomas of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A festive concert was arranged on occasion of the holiday.

Upon completion of the celebrations, the heads of a number of representative offices of international organizations in Turkmenistan delivered lectures on the priority areas of diplomacy at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.