Ï The President of Turkmenistan holds video conference working session

The President of Turkmenistan holds video conference working session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held video conference working session with the participation of the Speaker of the Mejlis, some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, hyakims of velayats and Ashgabat. The agenda included priority issues of social and economic development of the regions and capital and implementation of reforms.

First, the Head of the State called Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Sh. Amangedliyev who reported on the work in the region.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of integrated and responsible approach to the organization of coming sowing campaign and seasonal field works in general.

The Head of the State requested to hold under strict control the subject of allocating of lands to farming entities for cultivation of potatoes, vegetables and other crops as well as land plots from special fund for farming in rural areas and for construction of own houses in cities and villages.

After, Turkmen leader called Hyakim of Balkan Velayat Ya, Gylyjov reported on the situation in the region.

It is necessary to take soil and climate conditions of each region into account, use rich farming practice and to implement advanced technologies more actively while cultivating various agricultural crops, the President said. The Head of the State also ordered to prepare properly to tree planting campaign.

Further, Turkmen leader called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov who reported on the measures for health protection of the population and successful implementation of the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025.

After, Hyakim of Balkan Velayat reported on the projects of construction of multipurpose hospital and infectious diseases clinic in Turkmenbashy. In this regard, relative proposals were presented to the Head of the State for review.

The President pointed out the necessity to provide all conditions for highly qualified assistance and wide spectrum of medical services in new medical facilities, which have to be provided with the latest specialized equipment, and gave relative instructions to the Vice-premier and Hyakim.

Hyakim of Dashoguz Velayat M. Bayramguliyev reported on the situation in his region.

Having given specific instructions for organization of seasonal filed campaigns to the Hyakim, the Head of the State also pointed out the importance to take soil and climate conditions of the northern region into consideration.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also demanded to hold under permanent control the course and condition of the work at construction sites of social and industrial facilities, and fulfilment of national reformation programmes in general as well as the preparation to tree planting.

Video conference session was continued by the report of Hyakim of Lebap Velayat T. Atahalliyev.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the necessity to pay unremitting attention to the condition of arable lands, to use capabilities of the region for increment of high quality agricultural production.

The Head of the State also ordered to hold under attention the issues related to further reformation of agricultural complex, modernization of industrial sector, solution of the objectives of systematic improvement of social and living conditions of the population.

After, the President called Hyakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiyev who reported on the situation in the region.

Having noted that qualitative care of winter crops and clever organization of coming sowing campaign are the guarantee of rich yields of wheat, cotton and other agricultural crops, the Head of the State ordered to provide timely and coordinated solution of all relative issues.

Continuing video conference session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov listened to the report of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev who informed about the work at agricultural fields of the country, preparation of spring sowing campaign and tree planting. The Vice-premier also reported on the fulfilment of the assignments related to acceleration of the rates of the reforms in agricultural complex.

Having focused on the objectives outlined in the Programme of development of agricultural industry in 2019 – 202, the President of Turkmenistan expressed discontent with the situation in number of key spheres of agrarian sector.

Having highlighted the importance of dynamic promotion of the reforms in agricultural complex, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with the assignments regarding the handover of land plots to the farmers in long-term lease, privatization of livestock farms and further introduction of marketing relations and wide attraction of private structures to the branch.

The President ordered to hold the construction of modern social facilities, which are built under the implementation of the programmes of regional development, under permanent control, which is to provide comfortable conditions of life of rural residents and support the growth of wealth.

Speaking of coming ecological action, during which planting of trees would take place in all parts of the country, the Head of the State highlighted that this event is to support further improvement of cities and villages. In this regard, the head officials of agricultural complex and regions were instructed to provide proper care of the trees planted before.

After, the President called Hyakim of the capital Sh. Durdiliyev who reported on the workd for further urban planning of the main city of the country.

Having highlighted that high quality of construction and compliance with the deadline are the main criteria during construction of any facilities, the Head of the State focused on the necessity to pay special attention to integrated modernization of capital infrastructure.

At the same time, the Head of the State gave specific instructions for substantial preparation to coming tree planting campaign to the Hyakim.

After, the Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed about the activity of National Parliament for modernization of legal and regulatory base. At present time, the committees of the Mejlis continue developing new draft Laws of Turkmenistan.

Having noted the importance of law-making activity of the Parliament, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of preparation of new legal and regulatory documents taking into account the priorities of the state development at modern stage as well as international standards.

Further, the Head of the State called Advisor of the President of Turkmenistan on Oil and Gas Affairs Ya. Kakayev who reported on the course of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline.

The works for construction of Turkmen part of the pipeline, which were started in December 2015, are going as per the schedule. The works are planned to be accomplished by the end of this year.

At present moment, TAPI Pipeline Company Limited Joint Stock Company works on preparation of the construction of TAPI pipeline on the territory of Afghanistan and Pakistan including on initial project layout of relative routes. Necessary geological and technical surveys, soil sampling, study of terrain are carried out. International tenders for thorough selection of contractors and suppliers are held by the request of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Issues on allocation of land plots for construction of the pipelines as well as the operation of the pipelines are solved.

The progress has been reached in all directions of the activity. Leading world companies specialized in technical, legal and financial consulting services and having big experience in construction of transnational pipelines have been attracted for provision of the compliance of the TAPI project with highest international standards.

In addition, the review of technical specification of the project, which was developed previously for the parts on the territory of Afghanistan and Pakistan, has been completed and initial technical draft project has been developed.

Specialized Directorate, which was established by the efforts of the Head of the State for control of the fulfilment and management of the TAPI project, carries our organizational works.

Proposals of the contractors, the suppliers of pipes and other equipment, which is necessary for construction works on the parts of the pipeline on the territory of participating countries have been received and their evaluation is carried out.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that the implementation of the project of construction of transnational TAPI pipeline would support the diversification of energy provision of Central and South Asia countries and relatively, to the improvement of their energy security by using of environmentally friendly energy resources.

Having studied the situation in the construction of this major gas line, the head of the State gave number of specific assignments for establishment of further cooperation on this project with international organizations, financial structures and petroleum companies.

The Head of the State ordered to hold under permanent control the construction of the TAPI pipeline, which would provide long-term supplies of Turkmen gas to the largest countries of South Asia.

The President of Turkmenistan highlighted that new transnational energy bridge is very important in the context of peaceful revival of Afghanistan, restoration of its social and economic infrastructure, solution of such current issues as creation of work places, which, in its turn, would support the improvement of life level of the population. At the same time, the TAPI pipeline is to serve to the consolidation of peace and stability in the region and its steadfast progress.

Further, Deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R . Meredov made report of the activity of the Foreign Ministry.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made special mention of the Day of Diplomatic Personnel, which is widely observed in the country on this day.

This year, Turkmen diplomats make big input to further improvement of constructive role of our neutral state in the system of international relations, efficient implementation of the principles of friendship and goodwill, equality and beneficial cooperation, the Head of the State said.

Our country actively participates in the consolidation of political, trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian contacts in the world arena, provision of stability and security in the region demonstrating the commitment to close strategic partnership with the United Nations.

Having noted that the role of energy, transport and water diplomacy significantly grows in modern conditions, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that diplomatic service of the country takes integrated measures taking into account the situation in global and regional development and following the objectives of the concept of foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan in 2017 – 2023. It gives wide opportunities for steadfast improvement of the world authority of the country in the context of international relations and diplomacy.

Having congratulated the personnel of national diplomatic services on professional holiday, the Head of the State wished them strong health, prosperity and great success in responsible work.

The Vice-premier, Head of the Foreign Ministry assured that Turkmen diplomat would continue working honestly and would put all efforts for successful solution of important objectives.

Finishing working video conference session, the Head of the State wished the participants success in work, which is aimed at steadfast progress of the country and provision of wealthy life of people.