Ï Fate of Dog Nicknamed Belyy, or Story of People Driven by Kindness

Fate of Dog Nicknamed Belyy, or Story of People Driven by Kindness

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Fate of Dog Nicknamed Belyy, or Story of People Driven by Kindness
Fate of Dog Nicknamed Belyy, or Story of People Driven by Kindness
Fate of Dog Nicknamed Belyy, or Story of People Driven by Kindness
Fate of Dog Nicknamed Belyy, or Story of People Driven by Kindness
Fate of Dog Nicknamed Belyy, or Story of People Driven by Kindness
Fate of Dog Nicknamed Belyy, or Story of People Driven by Kindness
Fate of Dog Nicknamed Belyy, or Story of People Driven by Kindness
Fate of Dog Nicknamed Belyy, or Story of People Driven by Kindness
…Ayna Tsai’s husband found out about a paralyzed dog over the internet. The former owner, being in a drunken state, threw it down from a third floor. The eyes of that poor thing on the photograph were full of despair, and Dmitry lost sleep worrying about the dog. He shared his concerns with his wife, and they decided to visit him at the animal shelter.

Initially, they did not have an intention of adopting the handicapped dog, as they had already had two dogs, the retired Musya and young Ryzhik. However, once they saw the dog’s mourning eyes filled with pain, resentment and fear, Ayna burst into tears, because it was impossible to choke them back. The decision to take Belyy home came naturally, and all three went back together.

When Musya and Ryzhik saw that the new member of the family could only move using his front legs, they reacted differently. Musya seemed quite reserved, while Ryzhik started jumping cheerfully around Belyy that seemed rather embarrassed by such a warm welcome.

First of all, Belyy took a bath. Most likely, that was the first time the dog underwent this procedure; however, it wholeheartedly trusted Ayna and did not resist it. From the very moment Ayna took the dirty, sick dog into her arms, he only listened to her. It took a while to clean the dog. His old wounds were covered with purulent crust. When Ayna wiped the dog with a towel and saw its snow-white fur, she came up with a name right away: Belyy, which means White. However it took time to heal the wounds, to disinfect and treat them with special ointments.

Belyy literally fell on the food, eating quickly and greedily. The dog felt embarrassed when he realized how friendly everyone was toward him. Everything seemed different in the new home. Ayna laid a rug for Belyy in the corner of the room (this became the dog’s spot) and gave it a plastic toy bone. The toy also looked strange to him.

Vertebral fracture left the back side of Belyy’s body atrophied, and the dog soiled himself. The new owners were warned about this fact at the animal shelter. However, Dima bought a pack of diapers, they cut a hole for the tail and the problem was solved.

“Belyy is an incredibly intelligent and clean dog”, Ayna says. “Wearing diapers is a questionable pleasure, but the dog immediately realized it was a necessary measure to not stain the apartment floor. If the diaper gets unfastened, Belyy freezes in one position and remains there until I fasten it back”.

When the weather is warm and sunny, I open the balcony door, and that is the best time for Ryzhik and Belyy. Ryzhik grabs his rabbit, Belyy grabs his plastic bone, and the two enjoy their playtime. It is interesting that, when I shut the door, each dog knows exactly his toy, takes it and goes back to his spot.

At first, when we went for a morning walk with Musya and Ryzhik, Belyy would crawl to the door and start whining. We could not understand whether this meant the resentment that he would never be able to leave the house or the fear of loneliness, but it was unbearable. And then Dima posted an announcement online to urgently find a pet stroller for the handicapped dog.

A master responded to the post. He came, took measurements and drew a sketch. The first option was not appropriate. Then he invited another master, and the latter invited the third one. The collective thinking resulted in Belyy’s getting his stroller! We put the dog into it pushing his front legs through the special openings so that he could use them to propel the stroller. This is how Belyy got his personal vehicle that is run by me though.

The first walk was such a grand event for the two-legged dog. It was obvious how Belyy had missed walking on the ground, on the grass, and how he enjoyed that. This was written all over his happy face!

Passers-by were surprised to see such a fantastic dog, and some stopped to ask what had happened to the poor thing. After hearing Belyy’s story, they would ask whether they could be of any help.

With Belyy, we have met so many kind people. Above all, I am grateful to my husband, Dima, who helped me take care of him. I would like to thank our neighbors for understanding as they tolerate us and refrain from complaining: three dogs make one apartment a mini zoo. And I also thank all empathetic people who offer help. We certainly do need a great amount of sanitary supplies such as diapers, tissues, toilet paper, and when our friends and strangers offer to buy them, we accept that as a sign of sincerity.

During the year that Belyy has been with us, he gained weight and grew out a thick white coat. He has a very delicate personality and a speaking glance that is now full of hope, not despair.

Afterword. Meeting people like Ayna give one a sense of emotional warmth and positivity. Changing the dog’s diapers several times a day, bathing him, taking care of his diet and mood, taking him for a walk – Ayna does all this with all her heart; it is obvious that she cares. Although this dramatic story began with a chain of accidents, Belyy’s fate was determined by nobility, compassion, love and mutual understanding, the qualities that define human values. The Tsai family is an example and a reminder for every one of us that through kindness we give hope and bring joy.