Ï 284 national observers to monitor the elections

284 national observers to monitor the elections

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Registration of national observers, which would monitor the election process in all districts, has been held under continuing social and political campaign for elections of the Mejlis deputies, members of the People’s councils and Genegeshys instead of those who finished their terms. The observers received special identification cards.

As it was informed previously, several candidates are nominated for each seat in all election districts. It meets the alternativeness of the elections and indicates the success of the policy of the President for steadfast development democratic processes in the country. participation of national observers will also support of the transparency and impartiality of the elections.

Totally, 284 observers including 68 for Ahal Velayat, 17 for Balkan Velayat, 61 for Dashoguz Velayat, 57 for Lebap Velayat, 64 for Mary Velayat and 17 for Ashgabat have been registered from the Democratic Party, the party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Agrarian Party, public organizations and the groups of citizens. Training seminars, during which the observers familiarized themselves with the changes in national election legislation, with their rights and duties, order of the elections as well as with international monitoring practice of election campaign, have been organized for them.

The observers will attend the session of election committees, during sealing of ballot boxes, the polling stations before the beginning of the voting, the vote counting as well as at the summing up of the results. In addition, they will assess the level of organization of the campaign and compliance with the country legislation and will provide the freedom of will of the citizens and democracy of election procedure.