Ï Turkmenistan integrates to the world educational space

Turkmenistan integrates to the world educational space

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Modernization processes in all spheres in Turkmenistan cover the system of high education as well. This is the sphere that has to become the main one for development of science and technologies in the country, promotion of innovations, formation of digital economy and knowledge society, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov states.

The formation of new model of national education system is based on rich national practice, pedagogical traditions and the world trends. For these purposes, Turkmenistan steadily accumulates an international cooperation in the sphere of training of qualified specialists actively integrating to the world educational space and expanding the partnership with many countries including in Europe.

Signing of the 2019 – 2023 Action Plans for fulfilment of the Memorandums of Understanding between Turkmenistan State Architectural and Construction Institute and Bucharest Technical University of civil Construction as well as between Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management and Bucharest University of Economic Sciences according to the Resolution of the President of the country will be another step in this directions.

It is worth reminding that these Memorandums were signed in October 2018 during the working visit of Turkmen delegation composed of the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Directors of universities of our country to Romania.

Now, the memorandums will receive practical content with the orientation tot eh solution of the main objectives set for economic complex and urban construction sphere of Turkmenistan, in this aspect, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has outlined clear position for training of personnel: the country needs specialists of new formation, creatively thinking and knowing modern technologies, who are able to operate big amount of professional information and competitive in the world market.

Regarding the specialists of economic profile, the professional who are able to organize management financial and investment operations, to assess the world markets’ environment from development of foreign relations point of view are required in this sphere taking into account large-scale projects of the country in the sphere of industrial development, increment of production volumes and export potential.

The growth of entrepreneurship and transit to marketing relations in Turkmenistan also dictate the necessity of training of personnel for business, the managers who know international economy and marketers of private companies, which number increases every year in the country.

Technical transformation of all branches and government administration of these branches is provided under the implementation of the Concept of development of digital economy in 2019 – 2025 in the country. In this regard, Turkmen leader sets the objectives for training of specialists who feel free in digital environment and competent in IT sphere. This is about such category of personnel who would be able to change the models of production and content of the processes fundamentally giving them innovative character but not just simply to facilitate them using the implementation of new systems and technologies.

The President of the country spoke of this at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the outcomes of 2018 defining the most topical direction of work in 2019. Training of specialists for digital technology sphere as well as for development of cellular communication, TV, expansion of the access to the Internet, implementation of the capabilities of satellite communication and other electronic resources were named among these directions.

Obviously, it will lead to rapid digitization of entire economy of the country. However, despite overall growing automation, computerization and robotization, ability to generate new ideas yet remain the preserve of human being.

Undoubtedly, analysts – the experts in macroeconomic policy, for impartial evaluation of the situation in the world market, definition of the trends of its development in order to formulate the recommendations for adaptation of national economy to changing situation in global trade relations will be required. This is what President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requires from Turkmen economists.

In addition, the analysts are required for the forecast of the development of national economy, strategic planning of social and economic projects and coordination of the management of these projects, development of the methods of evaluation of the condition and prospects of investment activity in the country, international cooperation, etc.

Regarding other subject of interuniversity cooperation – the architecture and construction, Turkmenistan has big plans in this sphere. New villages and cities are built, borders expands and Ashgabat, the capital, grows up turning into urban megacity with characteristic architectural style combining the classics, modern and national architecture.

All of these require qualified construction personnel, engineers, architects, project designers, especially taking into account that national companies significantly moved foreign business in local construction market and enter foreign market already. Improvement of own construction complex will support successful implementation of the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025, which provides the opening of hundreds of industrial and social facilities and millions square meters of living in this period.

This is not only houses, buildings and constructions but a living space, which has to be functional, well planned and organized, has aesthetic advantages and comfort conditions for people. Every time, the Head of the State urges to attract young specialists including the students of profile universities to this highlighting the importance of training of personnel in this sphere.

Speaking at the above-mentioned Government session dedicated to the outcomes of 2018 and formulating the objectives for acceleration of the reforms in scientific and educational sphere and technology field, the President said that our goal is to give high quality education to our youth including in prestige foreign universities.

The same subject received its development at the meeting of the Head of the State with the deputy corps of the country on February 7, 2019. The President called upon the parliamentarians to work on the implementation of new standards of education and advanced world methods of education, which would allow improving the quality of education, providing availability of the Internet for all educational facilities.

The Concept of development of digital education system providing the provision of all levels of education system with electronic data base is aimed at the modernization of this sphere.

Without mastering new information technologies, it is impossible to keep the pace with the progress, to achieve high results in economy and social life. It means that integrated modernization of educational sphere comes to the first plan, the President said making speech at the meeting with representatives of public organizations and cultural personnel of Turkmenistan on February 14. If we would not be able to activate creative potential of society and to train young scientists, engineers, technicians and specialists – the managers of digital economy, it would be difficult for us to enter the level of competitive state, the Head of the State highlighted.

New agreements with Romanian universities, with which Turkmenistan has established fruitful and active educational contacts, are aimed to this. Many Turkmen students receive high education in specialities required in national economy in this country. positive experience of cooperation became the guarantee for expansion of this partnership and search for new forms of joint work.

This is only one of the directions of vast international activity of Turkmenistan in educational sphere, which the Head of the State directs to the accumulation of intellectual, creative potential of the nation, implementation of large-scale programmes of social and economic development of the country as well as solution of global issues.