Ï Bank Account Opened to Raise Funds for Veterinary Center Project

Bank Account Opened to Raise Funds for Veterinary Center Project

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Thanks to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s close attention, efforts are being made in Turkmenistan to encourage civic, private and business initiative. Calling his compatriots for a conscious and responsible attitude, the head of state constantly stresses that tender care and love for nature and animals is at the core of the Turkmen nation’s mentality.

During the February 15 Cabinet session, the President of Turkmenistan proposed to build a state-supported central specialized veterinary clinic. The Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists, an active partner of the government in economic and social programs, has backed the Turkmen leader’s initiative.

Active citizens also positively responded to the initiative, ready and willing to participate in this humanitarian project. The Rysgal Joint Stock Bank has opened a special bank account No. 23205934173865610135000 to raise funds. Not only can businessmen donate money to sponsor the veterinary center project, but also anyone wishing to make a contribution to the common, noble cause.

It does not really matter how large or small a donation is, since the new veterinary center will be state financed. It is the strong spirit of cooperation and solidarity, the Turkmens have always honored in any good deed, which is crucially important.

The project is truly remarkable, because it had attracted volunteer helpers before it was launched. For this reason the special bank account was opened. People had sought to address this universal problem before, but they did not know how to do it. Now, everyone can do their civic duty and give a little four-legged friend the chance to find a loving and caring owner.

The veterinary center and animal shelter project will be fully subsidized by the Government of Turkmenistan, while funds received from individual contributors will be used to promote its activities as a sign of public support and solidarity.

This important social project is aimed at raising the standards of animal welfare, which include pet care, responsible pet ownership, mandatory vaccination and compliance with all necessary health and safety regulations, sterilization of stray cats and dogs. In the future, it envisages microchipping and electronic registration of pets among others.

Humans started to domesticate animals thousands of years ago, after all, ‘we are responsible for those we have tamed’... Today, we have developments of modern medicine, high-tech equipment and advanced technologies at our disposal. But kindness still remains the most important quality.

The fact that President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s initiative has received massive public support is indicative of the success of ongoing efforts aimed to encourage people to be more environmentally conscious and to protect nature, the environment and animals.

First and foremost, humanitarian projects of the kind call on people not to be indifferent towards animals, which, for whatever reason, have become homeless. This has an instrumental role to play in upbringing younger generations and fostering the right spiritual values in them. And compassion is one of the Turkmen nation’s distinctive moral qualities.