Ï The official ceremony of meeting the President of Afghanistan takes place at the Square of Independence

The official ceremony of meeting the President of Afghanistan takes place at the Square of Independence

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The official ceremony of meeting President of Afghanistan Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, who arrived in Turkmenistan on the official visit, took place in Ashgabat.

In the morning, the motor cortege of the President of Afghanistan, accompanied by the motorcycle escort of honour headed to the Square of Independence. The President of Turkmenistan cordially greeted the President of Afghanistan and the leaders of the two countries headed to the special podium.

The commander of the Guard of Honour reported to the President and the State anthems of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Turkmenistan were performed. The leaders of the two countries walked past the Guard of Honour. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov presented the members of the official delegation of Turkmenistan to the President of Afghanistan. The distinguished guest met with the leaders of the diplomatic corps accredited in our country. In turn, the head of the neighbouring state introduced the members of the government delegation of Afghanistan to the President of Turkmenistan.

Upon completion of the ceremony, the Guard of Honour marched past the Independence Square.

The leaders of the two states headed to the Ruhyet Palace. After the official photographing ceremony, the Presidents of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan had the one-on-one top-level talks.