Ï Turkmen-Afghani talks in extended format

Turkmen-Afghani talks in extended format

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Turkmen-Afghan top-level talks took place in Ashgabat. Starting with the meeting between President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, the talks continued in an extended format, with the participation of the official delegations of the two countries.

It was noted during the talks that the current meeting of the leaders of the two countries had taken place on the day of establishing the diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and Afghanistan. 27 years ago, on February 21, 1992, both states opened a new page in their centuries-old relations.

The bilateral cooperation is built on the principles of mutual respect, equality, trust. It meets the fundamental interests of the peoples of the two countries and stands as a significant factor for the sustainable development in the region and at the international level.

The positive cooperation between the two countries is carried out within the framework of international structures, and first of all, the United Nations. Afghanistan has repeatedly become a co-sponsor of the resolutions on energy security and sustainable transport system that were adopted by the UN General Assembly at the initiative of Turkmenistan. The Government of Afghanistan has always supported the candidacy of Turkmenistan when the country is elected to various UN structures.

The parties expressed their intention to further develop the political and diplomatic partnership on a wide range of regional and global issues. It was emphasized that the main issue on the agenda was securing the stable and long-term peace, sustainable development and security in the region.

Turkmenistan has also reaffirmed the willingness to the further active and fruitful participation to address the issues on settling the situation in Afghanistan, restoring its economy, creating all necessary conditions for the people of Afghanistan to build the history of their country.

The status and prospects of the bilateral trade and economic cooperation, the possibilities for a significant increase in the trade volumes and diversification of trade were considered during the meeting.