Ï Joint Statement by the President of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, and the President of Afghanistan, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani

Joint Statement by the President of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, and the President of Afghanistan, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani

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At the invitation of the President of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, paid an official visit to Turkmenistan on 21 February 2019.

The heads of state held bilateral talks where they exchanged views on the current state and the prospects of development of the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan relations, as well as on the topical issues of mutual interest on the international and regional agenda.

The Presidents discussed the progress in the implementation of previously reached agreements and signed bilateral documents. They also highlighted the high pace of development of cooperation in the political, commercial, economic, scientific, technical, cultural, humanitarian and other fields. Seeking to take the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan dialogue to the next level, the heads of state signed the Strategic Partnership Agreement between Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. This Agreement will lead to the further enhancement of the traditional relations of friendship and good-neighborliness between the fraternal peoples.

Consistent with their mutual commitment to the continued and enhanced multilateral cooperation built on the principles of equality, good-neighborliness, mutual benefit, reciprocal respect and regard for each other’s interests, the sides noted the importance of the further development of the legal framework of bilateral relations and political consultations.

The heads of state confirmed the need for the further cooperation to combat international terrorism, extremism, clandestine migration, illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, transnational organized crime and other dangerous challenges of our time both on the bilateral level and within international organizations.

The President of Turkmenistan expressed his readiness for the continued assistance in securing peace and sustainable development in Afghanistan and turning it into a peaceful and prospering country, at the same time reiterating the respect for the choice of the people of Afghanistan in terms of the political and socio-economic development of their country.

The President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan noted that the policy pursued by the President of Turkmenistan was a significant contribution towards strengthening stability and security, and ensuring the sustainable socio-economic development of the countries of the region.

The sides agreed to further deepen the mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation, to support the development of productive partnership relations between the business circles of the two countries and regions. They specifically noted that the work of the joint Commission had to be intensified to become an effective instrument in establishing concerted measures for the further development of the mutually advantageous cooperation.

Dwelling on the key areas of economic cooperation, the heads of state specifically focused on the transport and communications sphere. The sides expressed satisfaction with the progress in the construction of the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India (TAPI) pipeline, the power lines and fiber-optic communication mains along the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan (TAP) route, and reiterated their readiness to extend full assistance to continued efforts in this field.

The leaders of the two countries noted with satisfaction the launch of the pentalateral Transit and Transport Agreement between the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Turkey and Turkmenistan dated 15 November 2017 (the Lapis Lazuli Route Agreement). The sides confirmed their support for the proposal on holding the meeting between the ministers of transport and heads of custom authorities of the states parties to the Agreement in Ashgabat in May 2019.

The Presidents highly commended the finalization of works and commissioning of the Serhetabat–Torghundi and Kerki–Imamnazar railway networks, and the Rabat–Kashan–Kalai-nau power line. They also expressed their support for the realization of the plans for the construction of the Atamyrat–Hamyap–Garkyn power line.

The sides agreed to facilitate the development of cooperation in education, science, culture, art, tourism and sport, and to establish relationships between the relevant organizations, cultural professionals and masters of arts, research centers, educational institutions and mass media.

The Presidents highly commended the expansion of the list of focus areas for training the Afghan specialists in Turkmenistan’s educational institutions.

The heads of state expressed their comprehensive support for the study, preservation and promotion of the rich historical and cultural heritage of the two peoples.

The President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome and hospitality extended to his delegation and invited the President of Turkmenistan to pay a reciprocal visit to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan at a convenient date to be agreed upon through the diplomatic channels.

President of Turkmenistan
Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov

President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Mohammad Ashraf Ghani