Ï Session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan is held

Session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan is held

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular session of the Cabinet of Ministers in format of video conference where the subjects of the sate life have been discussed and number of documents has been adopted.

Prior starting the discussion of the points of agenda, Turkmen leader addressed the participants of the session and noted that at present time, digital economy is considered as the basis for further development in the world.

The Head of the State said that aspects of social and economic development of the country and the regions, issues related to the economy of the velayats and implementation of National rural programme are discussed at the working session in video conference format on Mondays.

On another hand, the Vice-premiers present the reports on the situation in the sphere under their responsibility, their work and measures taken during the week, based on which new current objectives are outlined, at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers held on Fridays, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having given specific instructions on this account.

Further, having announced the agenda of current meeting, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision and informed about the measures for improvement of regulatory documents on streamlining of pricing. It was informed that according to the results of analysis, the proposals on the government regulation of prices and tariffs for local market and Draft Resolution have prepared.

Having listened to the report, the President of the country noted the importance of legal, administrative and fiscal measures for stable development of national economy. Regulation of the pricing system by the Government supports competitive environment in the market, successful pursue of socially oriented policy, the Head of the State said, having ordered to hold the above-mentioned system under permanent control.

Having signed and sent the Resolution by electronic document management system, the President ordered the Vice-premier to take proper measures for the fulfilment of set objectives.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldieyev was called by direct video call. The Vice-premier reported on seasonal field works in the region.

Draft Resolutions on Approval of the Provision on the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection of Turkmenistan and on Approval of the Provision on the State Committee of Water Management of Turkmenistan have been presented to the President for review.

Summing up the report, the President noted the importance of the activities in the field, which make the base for future harvests, having ordered to provide the compliance of these activities with agro technical science.

The Head of the State highlighted the necessity of wide introduction of water saving technologies to agricultural complex of the country, which would significantly improve the turnover from each hectare and would support the implementation of huge potential of agricultural complex.

Having signed the drafts of the documents, the President gave number of specific assignments regarding further improvement of activity of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection and the State Committee of Water Management.

In the meantime, Turkmen leader called Chairman of the State Committee of Water Management A. Yazmyradov who reported on working trip of Turkmen delegation to one of European countries, during which special attention has been paid to study of foreign practice in introduction of advanced water saving technologies and construction of water facilities in agricultural sector.

Besides, it was reported on additional measures taken for further development of water management sphere, stable provision of the fields with water as well as on the implementation of the state programmes aimed at the improvement of water supply to the population.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that social and economic strategy of Turkmenistan provides special attention to rational use of water resources as to important factor of dynamic development of agricultural complex and other branches as well as to environmental protection and provision of comfort living conditions of Turkmenistan citizens.

Big investment projects are realized in this sphere including the projects for increment of throughput capacity Karakum River and provision of the cities and rural areas with pure drinking water. Modern water treatment facilities, new water pools pools and other hydro technical facilities designated for making of addition water reserves, irrigation of agricultural fields, flooding of pastures, protection of cities, industrial facilities and arable lands from mud streams are built and modernized around the capital and in the regions.

Technical base of the branch is improved purposefully. Significant investments are used for the modernization of the base. Subjects of soil improvement are also solved in innovative way. Construction of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake in Karakum desert for collection of drainage waters from irrigated lands of all velayats of the country is one of the examples of this. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made special mention that this unique project is very important for Turkmenistan as well as for entire Central Asia. Its implementation makes positive effect on the ecology of the region.

Having outlined number of current objectives, which are to involve existing potential of water management section and to support the improvement of activity of this sphere, the Head of the State gave instruction regarding further implementation of the Programme of development of water management sphere in 2018 – 2030.

Water issue is priority vector of Turkmenistan’s cooperation with neighbouring states in the region and international organizations under the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea.

Today, this subject cannot be reviewed without strategic plans of social and economic development, provision of ecological security and such current aspect as the climate change. Speaking of this, the Head of the State noted that Turkmenistan invariably stands for the review and solution of all relative issues with every country of Central Asia in cooperation with the UN and other competent structures.

Having focused on the importance to inform the world about the proposals of Turkmenistan in this direction, which are significant for the whole mankind, at coming forum on water issues under the UN aegis, the Head of the state requested the Vice-premier to continue working on practical implementation of international initiatives of our state in the sphere of water diplomacy.

Further, Deputy Chiarman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported on the Draft Resolution on Construction of Airport in Kerky, Lebap Velayat.

In particular, it was mentioned that the Minsitry of Construction and Architecture has announced the tender on construction of airport in Kerky. Gündogdy Individual Entity, the member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneur is the winner of the tender.

In this regard, it was informed about the agreement between the Türkmenhowaýollary Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Communication and this company on relevant construction works. In addition, the Vice-premier informed that it is planned to cooperate with the world famous French company “Thales” for modern provision of the airport and provision of flights safety.

Speaking of the construction of modern airports in all velayats providing all range of services to the passengers as well as runways, which are able to receive any types of aircrafts, the President highlighted that this is a part of general strategy of development of Turkmenistan on establishment of relevant infrastructure of air transport of the country and its provision with advanced equipment for safety and reliability.

Having signed the document, the President noted that construction of the airport in Kerky would expand the capabilities of national civil aviation and would provide air passenger and cargo flights on high level and addressed the instruction related to quality and timely completion of the construction.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev reported on the preparation of the draft Resolution on construction of the Bicycle Monument in Ashgabat. The Vice-premier informed that according to the order of the Head of the State, the Monument dedicated the World Bicycle Day would be placed on the intersection of Chandybil and Bekreve Streets.

It was informed that the Ministry and Construction and Architecture announced the International tender, which was successfully won by Sport ýyldyzy Individual Entity.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated that the project of the monument, which would be installed in honour of the adoption of the Resolution on declaration of June 3 as the World Bicycle Day by the UN General Assembly, has to reflect rich history and current achievements of our nation.

Having signed presented document, the Head of the State highlighted that having become one the hallmarks of the capital in the future, this original sculptural composition has to bear positive emotional mood and to embody the commitment of the country to human values and international sport movement.

The Resolution signed by the President of Turkmenistan has been sent by the electronic document management system to Vice-premier D. Amangeldiyev.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the work for the implementation of electronic trade system to the activity of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations.

There are 184 organizations under the Ministry’s jurisdiction, the structure of which gas shopping outlets that would be connected by electronic system allowing online monitoring of goods, e.g. its delivery to warehouses, supply to shopping outlets, sale and remaining items.

Using this centralized system, the specialists will have an opportunity to receive the information on the provision of all trade network facilities by required goods, to track the movement of goods and to renew the stock in the outlets. Implementation of this technology will allow making electronic reporting on sale and settlement of payments with suppliers, controlling and managing the market more efficiently.

At the same time, special website with the information about each shopping outlet, with its address, contact information, variety of goods including quality, date and place of production, package, expiry date, etc. will be opened in the Internet for the convenience of the customers. This system will give an opportunity to study the demand in local market and to analyse the trends.

Programme software of electronic trade is planned to be made by the department of the Ministry, which is specialized in computer technologies. The introduction of the system would start from Ashgabat and further would be spread in the velayats.

Having noted the necessity of modernization and digitization of trade complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov approved presented proposals, having given instruction for their practical implementation. Introduction of the system of electronic trade and new services for customers would improve production output of trade personnel and life quality of the citizens, Turkmen leader said.

In addition, available information about local goods, true analysis of sale would give the impulse to the growth of competiveness of Turkmen producers and export potential. Innovations in trade sphere would also support the development of digital economy n the country, the Head of the State highlighted, having ordered to arrange strict control of the implementation of this system.

Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the preparation to coming celebration events and remarkable dates of national calendar as well as opening of social and cultural facilities timed to these dates in March.

The programme of celebration events dedicated to International Women Day and National Spring Holiday will include concerts with the participation of national and foreign art masters, theatre performances, propaganda and educational actions and sport competitions.

Ceremony of award of monetary prizes to women of the country on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan will be held all around the country as per tradition. Summing up the results of certain contests will be held in Turkmen capital on the threshold of spring holidays.

Conference and award ceremony of Ene mähri Prize will be held on occasion of the International Women Day in the Centre of Public Organizations.

Big event is planned for National Spring Holiday, which traditions go deep to ancient time. It will be held in Howruz Valley, Ahal Velayat and in Nowruz ýaýlasynyň ak öýi on March 21 – 22.

Further, the Vice-premier reported on the work of Turkmen State Publishing Service for creation of electronic versions of periodic press and use of use of electronic system for timely delivery to readers.

In January this year, the Rowachlyk (Prosperity) webpage as well as sections News and Magazines, which give an opportunity to read the publications of periodic press, have been opened on the website of Turkmen State Publishing Service (http://metbugat.gov.tm/).

Speaking of the preparation of the events of International Women Day and national Spring Holiday, the head of the State noted that the activities have to match the atmosphere of these holidays, which embody the peace, harmony and beauty and are loved by everybody.

Having focused on the importance of active use of the Internet capabilities and modern technologies in distribution of the periodicals, the President of Turkmenistan noted that mobility of delivery of the press is the guarantee of success and popularity. It is necessary to correct the strategy, which would allow printing media operating successfully in digital age and winning new positions, for the adaptation of mass media to current conditions, the Head of the State said, having addressed the Vice-premier with specific instruction on this account.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the measures for the development of education and science, having presented the Draft Resolution on Approval of Quotas and List of Directions for Enrolment to postgraduate education, candidates for academic degree and clinical residency in 2019.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the importance of development of science in the context of the processes of industrialization of the country and formation of digital economy. At the same time, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity of closer collaboration between the science and production sphere, improvement of its technological efficiency and effect on social and economic development.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the work of the Ministry and on the fulfilment of the assignments for the development of the relation with the states of Asian Pacific region.

It was mentioned that during last several years, this region demonstrates dynamic economic growth, scientific, technological and industrial progress. Such leading countries of Asian Pacific region as the People’s Republic of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea are among important partners of Turkmenistan. Our country has established efficient cooperation built on equal and long-term base with these states.

Relevant measures for improvement of constructive political dialog, activation of fruitful partnership in trade and economic sphere, transport sector, humanitarian field as well as on Inter-parliamentary level are planned to be taken for the fulfilment of the assignments of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on further improvement of the cooperation with these states.

An important role is given to the contact between foreign departments, the activity of the Intergovernmental Turkmen – Chinese Committee, Turkmen – Japanese Committee and Intergovernmental Turkmen – Korean Committee, regular business meetings and forums, use of available capabilities for implementation of new joint projects as well as for stimulation of the relations in scientific, educational, cultural, health protection and sport spheres.

Having highlighted that development of friendly and beneficial relations with the state of Asian Pacific region is one of the key vectors of foreign policy of neutral Turkmenistan, the President noted the necessity of thorough elaboration of relative subjects taking into account available significant potential of cooperation in this direction.

Great perspectives are opened for the expansion of productive partnership with the countries of Asian Pacific region, their business and financial structures for improvement of investment activity and entry to new big projects in the context of the course of the country toward the industrialization and diversification of the economy and gradual integration to the world economic system, the Head of the State said.

Favourable prepositions for efficient cooperation are provided by advantageous geographic location of Turkmenistan on strategic intersection of Eurasian routes, an important section of the Silk Road. Great attention is also paid to traditional humanitarian and cultural contacts.

Speaking of this and having generally approved the measures for intensification and development of the Interstate cooperation, which meet common interests, the President gave specific orders for the solution of responsible objectives of the Foreign Ministry and national diplomatic corps

Further, Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed about the activity of the Parliament for further improvement of national legislation and preparation to the next session of the Parliament.

The profile committees carry out systematic work on development of new laws, amendments and addendums of existing legal acts. Special attention is paid to the study and summarization of the best international practice of law making and to the implementation of such practice to national legislation.

Having listened to the information, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that modernization of legal base is an important factor of rapid development of the economy and improvement of investment attractiveness of our country, successful conduct of large-scale changes, which are aimed at the growth of wellbeing of the citizens.

Having focused on the election of the Mejlis deputies, members of the People’s Councils and Gengeshys, the Head of the State highlighted the importance of this social and political actions, in preparation of which the parliamentarians have to take an active part together with representatives of public organizations and government structures. The main goal is to provide high organizational level, transparency and impartiality of the elections.

Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers held in video conference format, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished great success in work to everybody.