Ï Partnership with Asian Pacific countries: New perspectives

Partnership with Asian Pacific countries: New perspectives

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At the session of the Government on February 22, Vice-premier, Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov informed the President about the work for development of the relations with the states of Asian Pacific region.

It was mentioned that during last several years, this region demonstrates dynamic economic growth, scientific, technological and industrial progress. Such leading countries of Asian Pacific region as the People’s Republic of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea are among important partners of Turkmenistan. Our country has established efficient cooperation built on equal and long-term base with these states.

Relevant measures for improvement of constructive political dialog, activation of fruitful partnership in trade and economic sphere, transport sector, humanitarian field as well as on Inter-parliamentary level are planned to be taken.

An important role is given to the contact between foreign departments, the activity of the Intergovernmental Turkmen – Chinese Committee, Turkmen – Japanese Committee and Intergovernmental Turkmen – Korean Committee, regular business meetings and forums, use of available capabilities for implementation of new joint projects as well as for stimulation of the relations in scientific, educational, cultural, health protection and sport spheres.

Having highlighted that development of friendly and beneficial relations with the state of Asian Pacific region is one of the key vectors of foreign policy of neutral Turkmenistan, the Head of the State noted the necessity of thorough elaboration of all relative subjects taking into account significant potential of cooperation in this direction.

Great perspectives are opened for the expansion of productive partnership with the countries of Asian Pacific region, their business and financial structures for improvement of investment activity and entry to new big projects in the context of the course of the country toward the industrialization and diversification of the, the Head of the State said.