Ï Aspects of cooperation in combating of illegal extraction of biological resources of Caspian Sea are discussed in Ashgabat

Aspects of cooperation in combating of illegal extraction of biological resources of Caspian Sea are discussed in Ashgabat

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Aspects of cooperation in combating of illegal extraction of biological resources of Caspian Sea are discussed in Ashgabat
The fourth session of authorised representatives of Caspian States for discussion of the Draft Protocol on Cooperation in Combating of Illegal Extraction of biological Resources (poaching) in Caspian Sea started its work in the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan.

Two days event was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Industry and Communication of Turkmenistan and the State Department on Caspian Sea Affairs under the President of Turkmenistan.

Experts of five Caspian States – the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Russian Federation and Turkmenistan participates in the session.

It is planned to discuss the text of the Draft Protocol, in particular the preambles, definitions of competent authorities responsible for the implementation of the Protocol, mechanism, forms and frames of cooperation of Caspian states in combating of illegal extraction of biological resources (poaching) in Caspian Sea.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov states that Caspian Sea has to be exclusively the sea of peace, friendship and harmony. Following this fundamental position and based on the initiatives of Turkmen leader, the documents and relative projects of development of fruitful and beneficial partnership of Caspian states are elaborated and regulatory and legal framework of these document including in protection of unique ecosystem and biological resources of the sea is formed and improved.

The session of authorized representatives of Caspian States to be continued on the next day.