Ï Ecological cooperation: Regional consensus

Ecological cooperation: Regional consensus

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During working session on February 25, the President focused on number of aspects of natural protection policy of Turkmenistan, having highlighted that cooperation in this sphere with other states and international organizations is the key aspect of foreign course of our country.

The Head of the State noted that it is obvious that currency of the issues of Aral problems goes beyond Central Asia, hence, it is necessary to create solid foundation for systematic interstate cooperation with active participation with competent international organizations especially with the UN.

The initiative of Turkmenistan about the development of the UN Special Programme for Aral Sea basin, which is to provide integrated approach in solution of the problems of Aral crisis with wide participation of all interested sides is aimed at thus purpose, the Head of the State said.

Steadfast measures taken in this direction find wide support of the world community. The Concept of the IV Action Programme for Support of Aral Sea countries has also been developed under the chairing of Turkmenistan in the IFAS with the attraction of national experts of participating countries and international partners. Today, special attention is paid to the improvement of Regional Action Plan of Environment Protection of Central Asia and to acceleration of the process of joining of the countries of the region to the Framework Convention on Environment Protection for Sustainable Development in Central Asia under the Fund.

Regarding water and ecological issues in Central Asia in general, our country always stands for their review and solution based on universal standards of international law taking into account the interests of all states of the region with the participation of international organizations recognizing that regional consensus is the only accepted form for efficient interstate collaboration, Turkmen leader said, having highlighted the necessity to continue the work in this direction.

The Head of the State has also ordered to control the implementation of important ecological projects for provision of rational natural management and efficient environmental protection.