Ï Dashoguz Breeders Develop New Cotton Varieties

Dashoguz Breeders Develop New Cotton Varieties

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Specialists of the Research and Plant Testing Center in Gubadag etrap, Dashoguz velayat are developing new middle staple varieties of cotton. The improvement work on the standard variety, Gubadag-3, is ongoing under the supervision of well-known breeder Chovdurbay Seyitmuradov.

The efforts are aimed to enhance the germination ability of the variety, make it more disease-resistant, increase yields and improve fiber quality. At the end of last year, the Center’s team sent a newly developed middle staple cotton variety, Dashoguz-150, for further testing and expert evaluation. The variety incorporates the best traits of varieties named Dashoguz-114 and Dashoguz-120, which have also been developed by Gubadag scientists and are popular in the country’s northern region.

Applied research activities are seen as a key factor in the domestic cotton sector development. Specialists of the Gubadag Research and Plant Testing Center are making a meaningful contribution to keeping the region’s cotton farms well supplied with high-quality cotton seeds, which are well adapted to the local soil and climatic conditions, quick-growing, have high yield potential and good fiber strength.