Ï The Heads of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan exchange the visions on key aspects of cooperation

The Heads of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan exchange the visions on key aspects of cooperation

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had a telephone conversation with President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Having exchanged with warm greetings, the sides stated with delight high level and constructive character of interstate dialog, which is developed successfully both in bilateral and multilateral formats.

Having highlighted that Turkmen – Uzbek relations received new content, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Shavkat Mirziyoyev focused on the key subjects of cooperation, which reliable foundation for further expansion is made by significant potential in trade and economic, humanitarian and cultural spheres.

This is visually indicated by reached agreements aimed at specific results, which were reflected in important documents including bilateral Agreement on Strategic Cooperation. There is considerable practice of cooperation between the Government structures and departments. Recently, the connections between frontier regions of two countries have received new impulse.

Having outlined energy complex, transport sector, especially the development of transit and transport infrastructure, industry, agriculture and number of other spheres as well as strengthening of direct business contacts, stimulation of investment activity among priority directions, the sides noted the presence of favourable conditions for new joint projects.

In this context, an important role is given to Joint Turkmen – Uzbek Commission for trade and economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation and to intensification of its activity in solution of set objectives.

The sides have also exchanged the visions on current issues of regional and global agenda, which present mutual interest, having highlighted invariable commitment if Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan to efficient partnership under competent international organizations and structures.

At the same time, it was mentioned that while developing good neighbouring relations, our states rely on similarity of basic spiritual and historical values, mutual commitment to the principles of peace loving, creation and humanity, which is a firm foundation for close collaboration in the world arena.

Continuing telephone conversation, the Presidents of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan discussed the preparation to the Consultative Meeting of the Heads of Central Asia States in Tashkent on April 12, 2019, having paid special attention to the issues of water diplomacy in this regard. It was highlighted that protection and rational use of water resources of the region are one of important objectives of Central Asian countries.

Following this, the necessity of activation of multilateral cooperation in water range of problems based on the standards and principles of international law, taking into account the interests of all states of the region as well as the cooperation with international organizations.

The leaders of two countries also exchanged the opinion further development of the partnership under the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea. At the same time, the necessity of consolidation of efforts of all interested parties in the development of the UN Special Programme for Aral Sea countries and in the implementation of the initiative on the establishment the UN Multi – Partner Trust Find for Human Safety in Aral Region.

In this context, the importance of the resolution of the UN General Assembly on Cooperation between the United Nations Organization and the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea adopted in April last year by the initiative of Turkmen side has been highlighted.

In the end of the conversation, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed the confidence that fruitful Turkmen – Uzbek cooperation would expand and strengthened in all spectrum, having conveyed the best wishes to each other and people of both countries.

Telephone conversation was initiated by Uzbek side.