Ï Representatives of mass media study the approaches in solution of the problems of climate change

Representatives of mass media study the approaches in solution of the problems of climate change

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Representatives of mass media study the approaches in solution of the problems of climate change
Representatives of mass media study the approaches in solution of the problems of climate change
Representatives of mass media study the approaches in solution of the problems of climate change
Representatives of mass media study the approaches in solution of the problems of climate change
Representatives of mass media study the approaches in solution of the problems of climate change
Representatives of mass media study the approaches in solution of the problems of climate change
Representatives of mass media study the approaches in solution of the problems of climate change
Representatives of mass media study the approaches in solution of the problems of climate change
Representatives of mass media study the approaches in solution of the problems of climate change
Representatives of mass media study the approaches in solution of the problems of climate change
The seminar for journalists on the subject of Climate Change and Pastures in Turkmenistan, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and natural Protection of our country together with the German International Cooperation Society (GIZ), has started in the Yildyz hotel of the capital.

The event is held under the GIZ Regional Programme for Central Asia on sustainable land use taking into account the climate change, which is aimed at the strengthening of integrated approaches and development of systematic measures in this sphere.

Having ratified the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Treaty, Turkmenistan demonstrates initiative and innovative approach is solution of the objectives of environment protection and prevention of climate change.

National Strategy of Turkmenistan on climate change, according to which profile ministries and departments of the country, work in the sphere of mitigation of the impact of this process, preparation of national economy to its consequences and enhancement of economic, food, water and ecological security of the state.

These days, Turkmenistan prepares the IV National Report on Climate Change and National Voluntary Report on Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals under High-level Political Forum under the ECOSOC aegis, which will be held in 2019.

The issues related to ecology and climate change occupy an important place in foreign strategy of Turkmenistan. This is visually indicated by the initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proposed at the Caspian Summits, United Nations General Assembly, the UN Global Conference RIO + 20 and other big international forums.

It includes the proposal about the opening of the Regional Centre of technologies related to the climate changes in Central Asia in Ashgabat as well as on the creation of actual multilateral mechanisms of cooperation in Caspian Sea, which unique natural complex si the heritage of all humankind without any exaggeration.

Delegates of the GIZ Regional Programme, Hydrometeorology Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic, CAMP Alatoo Public Foundation, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection of Turkmenistan, mass media of the country took part in current seminar.

Foreign expert made reports on the climate change and its forecast, impacts of global warming including in Central Asia as well as on impact of these processes on development of agriculture in the region.

Turkmen specialists introduced he participants with the work carried in the country according to major projects in this direction. In this regard, foreign participants of the forum highlighted that efforts of Turkmenistan in prevention of global warming, modernization of industrial facilities for reduction of the emission, educational activity among the population for improvement of ecological culture and careful treatment of environment present special interest for the world community and competent structures in combating the threat of climate change. In the meantime, the experience of the country would be able to serve the improvement of international practice in this subject.

For example, water and energy saving technologies are implemented all around Turkmen state, adaptation measures for restoration of forests and improvement of land management for reduction of climatic impacts are taken.

It was noted at the seminar that far-seeing constructive policy of the Head of the State allows making efficient work in natural protection sphere and prevention of the climate change.

During reginal seminar, the participants will also discuss specific measures for activation of the cooperation and various approaches to the solution of objectives in climate change sphere, implementation of relative National strategy for strengthening of natural protection potential on country and regional levels.