Ï Agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant to be built in Ahal Velayat

Agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant to be built in Ahal Velayat

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Agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant to be built in Ahal Velayat
Agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant to be built in Ahal Velayat
Agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant to be built in Ahal Velayat
Agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant to be built in Ahal Velayat
Agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant to be built in Ahal Velayat
Agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant to be built in Ahal Velayat
Agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant to be built in Ahal Velayat
Agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant to be built in Ahal Velayat
Agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant to be built in Ahal Velayat
Agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant to be built in Ahal Velayat
Agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant to be built in Ahal Velayat
Agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant to be built in Ahal Velayat
Agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant to be built in Ahal Velayat
Agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant to be built in Ahal Velayat
Foundation stone laying ceremony of two private facilities – the agricultural complex and Ferro concrete production plant, was held in Gyoktepe etrap.

It was highlighted at the event with the participation of Deputy Hyakim of Ahal velayat Serdar Berdimuhamedov as well as deputies of National Parliament, representatives of etrap adminstrations, departments and organizations of the region, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, elders, youth and public figures that provision of food abundance in the country is one of the priorities of social and economic policy. Significant success has been achieve due to integrated measures aimed to rapid development of agricultural processing sector and food industry as well as comprehensive government support of local producers.

Big mill facilities, livestock, poultry and hothouse complexes have been built in every region of the country. The work of the facilities is based on advanced practice and modern technologies. Dozens of facilities making wide variety of food production have been built. Representative of private sector of the economy, wo successfully implement major investment projects in the above-mentioned branches, take an active part in this large-scale work.

This is indicated by current laying of foundation stone of agro industrial complex, which will be built by Sowuk Göz private company on the area of 220 hectares. In future, the facility will cultivate and process various agricultural production for sale in local and foreign markets. It will also produce fish and meat products as well as unique Turkmen wide, which is famous around the world.

One of the facilities of the complex is designated for production of 360,000 tons of beef and lamb meat per year. Production of high quality beef and lamb will allow arranging export of these meat products.

Indoor farm for breeding and processing of fish will have advanced equipment. Project production capacity of the facility is 240 tons of different fish. The structure of the farm will have the workshops for full cycle of fish breeding, chopping workshop from where the production will go to further processing, smoking workshop and other.

Facilities of the complex include the winery, which output capacity is designated for processing of 15,000 tons of grapes per year. It is worth mentioning that various grapes are planned to be cultivated on the land plot of 520 hectares, which belongs to Sowuk Göz private company in Gyokdepe etrap.

As is known, Turkmen winemakers give preference to Terbash and Garauzym grape varieties, which recommended well itself. Opening of new facility for production of vintage wine with expansion of variety of production will support further development of viniculture in the region.

It also has refrigerator facility provided with freeze chambers designated for storage of 38,000 tons of production, which is planned to be sold in local and foreign markets during the year in proper presentation.

Modern systems of storage and management of trade flows allow efficient provision of of facilities and shopping complexes of the capital and Ahal Velayat with various production. Improvement of level of logistic services in important region for the economy of the country will support the growth of trade volumes and the variety of goods in the shops, reduction of expenses for transportation and storage.

Next facility of the complex is the canned production workshop oriented to processing of own fruits and vegetables where production of different jams, juices, frozen fruits, melons, watermelons and marinades

It will have a laboratory for analysis of quality of fruits and vegetables, which further will be packed in special container and sent for sale.

It is worth mentioning that the complex will also produce plastic and carton packaging for production.

It is also planned to build four modern hothouses on the territory of 170 hectares. Special equipment will support optimum temperature and light mode, level of humidity and fertilization of the soil.

It is planned to grow lemons on 20 hectares, tomatoes on 70 hectares, cucumbers on 10 hectares while 20 hectares will be allocated for vegetables and cucurbitaceous crops. In addition, 10 hectares will be used for cultivation of seeds and seedlings for hothouses and open lands.

It is planned to enter to the agreements with farmers and entrepreneurs, which received land plots from special agricultural land fund, for comprehensive involvement of all capacities of agricultural complex. According to the agreements, they will receive seeds and fertilizers and sell produced harvest.

It is also planned to build veterinary and medical service facilities as well as laboratory centre and bank branch of the territory of the complex. It will also have shopping centre and car parking for 500 vehicles.

Further, the foundation stone laying ceremony of the Ferro concrete plant with annual production output of 500,000 meters of concrete pipes of 300 to 1200 mm diameter took place. High technological equipment, which is planned to install at the facility, will allow making production based on environmentally friendly technologies.

Current events have turned into bright celebration, which atmosphere was highlighted by performance of artistic collectives.