Ï Representatives of international organizations support the project implemented in Turkmenistan

Representatives of international organizations support the project implemented in Turkmenistan

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While inspecting the ecological situation at the Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov talked with the representatives of the International organizations, who were invited to Balkan Velayat.

The President of Turkmenistan focused on the significance of the lake in the frames of the ecological and water situation of the Central Asia. The President touched upon the issues on remedial action in the wake of the Aral Sea crisis and told about the measures taken by Turkmenistan.

Thus, one of the program measures in this direction was the planting campaign on the Botendag hill in Dashoguz velayat, on the coast of the Sarykamysh Lake. An unprecedented in its scales project - the Altyn Asyr Lake in the Central Karakum Desert plays a key role in ensuring environmental well-being in the region.

In frames of the presidency over the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea in 2017-2019, Turkmenistan focuses its efforts on the efficient use and management of water resources, environmental protection, and improvement of the environmental situation. the The Summit of Heads of Founder States of IFAS held in Turkmenbashi on August 24, 2018, vividly proved the common commitment to achieve the visible results in solving the problems of the Aral Sea.

One of the most important issues in Central Asia is the creation of a legal mechanism that takes into account the interests of all countries of the region with regard to the integrated water resources management, especially given the climate change problem and reduction of the availability of water resources.

In the conversation with the Turkmen leader, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan, Elena Panova noted that Turkmenistan, demonstrating not only the good intentions, but concrete actions, can always count on the UN support. She emphasized that Turkmenistan was the first country to take the real steps in the water diplomacy. “The fact that the heads of the founder states of IFAS for the first time in many years came together in Turkmenistan to discuss the important issues is your great achievement”, Ms. Panova emphasized.

In turn, the head of the OSCE Center in Ashgabat, Natalya Drozd noted that the Turkmen Lake project launched a number of other similar projects. All this opens up new perspectives, aimed at improving the life of the people. She also mentioned that the Ashgabat OSCE Center would celebrate the anniversary in April.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that in December 2020 Turkmenistan would celebrate the anniversary of neutrality. In this regard, the leaders and delegations of many states will be invited to the country to more specifically discuss the water, energy and transport diplomacy.

The Director of the WHO office in Turkmenistan, Paulina Karvovska expressed gratitude to the head of Turkmenistan for the great contribution to the development of health care, and the systematic work on the prevention of noncommunicable diseases, in particular, the tobacco control. “The experience of your country should be widely distributed throughout the world”, she said.

Chargé d'Affaires of the European Union Office in Turkmenistan, Lubomir Frebort also expressed gratitude for the support to the development of relations with the EU, the initiatives on the universal energy security and the policy of Turkmenistan to diversify the energy supplies, one of the directions of which could be Europe - the implementation of a promising project on the construction of a gas pipeline through the Caspian Sea.

UNICEF Representative in Turkmenistan, Shaheen Nilofer expressed satisfaction with the fruitful cooperation of the UN Children's Fund with Turkmenistan, which is developing in many areas, including improvement of children’s health and well-being.