Ï The President of Turkemnistan makes working trip to Altyn Asyr Lake

The President of Turkemnistan makes working trip to Altyn Asyr Lake

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made working trip to Balkan Velayat where inspected ecological situation around Alytn Asyr Turkmen Lake and the projects of construction of new settlement planned to be built in this place as well as the projects of development of livestock and land farming and fishery.

Being one of the first countries, which adapted the SDGs on national level, Turkmenistan actively participates in 2030 Global Agenda and carries out this work on systematic base. Our country has positive practice, which is demanded on regional and global scales, in each of the directions of programme document adopted by the UN.

First of all, this is related to common access to cheap, reliable and modern sources of energy, support of economic growth and full occupancy, food security and development of agriculture, industrialization and innovation and all these vectors of development tare the priorities of the policy pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. In addition, the utmost attention is paid to the formation of efficient mechanisms of clean development of oil and gas sector, power energy, chemical industry, transport and other branches allowing reducing the emission.

At the same time, big work is carried out in rational use of water resources, adaptation to climate change, protection of biological diversity and natural landscapes, combating the desertification and soil degradation, tree planting and ecological education of the population. National Strategy for Climate Change, National Forest Programme, General Programme for Provision of Pure Water to the Population are gradually implemented.

It is worth mentioning that global climate changes, deficiency of water resources and ecological problems became one of serious challenges for humankind. It dictates the necessity to adopt preventive measures in Central Asia countries, which are located in arid zones and have already experienced the Aral crisis and its adverse impact.

In this context, the project of construction of Altn Asyr Turkmen Lake in the centre of the Karakums, which is designated for collection of drain water from irrigated lands of all five velayats of the country, has special importance. Issues of construction and operation of this unique form all points of view facility are under close attention of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. This is indicated by current working trip made by the Head of the State to the lake.

The system of incoming collectors is expanded and dredged in order to divert salt waters from oases and to provide their secondary utilization during the second phase of the project. Construction personnel works on widening of the channels and increment of throughput capacity of the collectors as well as build necessary water diversions and water level regulation units, other water facilities and bridges for provision of proper and coordinate operation of the lake.

The helicopter of the President has landed at special helipad. The Head of the State was met by the deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of number of profile ministries and departments, hyakims of Balkan and Dashoguz Velayat.

Heads and personnel of international organizations accredited in our country were among the participants of the event. There were Permanent Coodinator of the United Nations in Turkmenistan Elena Panova, Head of the UN Regional Centre of Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia Natalya German, Representatives of the UNICEF in Turkmenistan Shaheen Nilofer, the Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat Natalya Drozd, Acting Permanent Representative of the UN Development Programme in Turkmenistan Natiya Natzvlishvili, Director of the WHO Office in Turkmenistan Paulina Karwowska, Chargé d'affaires of the Office of the European Union in Turkmenistan Lubomir Frebort and other among the guests.

Having warmly welcomed foreign diplomats, the Head of the State focused on positive changes in the area of Altyn Asyr Lake, which is indicated by flora and fauna. The results of studies made by Turkmen scientists indicate that the water of the lake fully meet international ecological requirements.

Even today, Turkmen Lake allows using water ponds and collectors for development of fishery. Tanks with different fish living in the lake and surrounding water ponds, which were demonstrated to the participants, are visual example.

After, the President of Turkmenistan and foreign guests went to special tent where the sketches and detailed drawings giving visual image of new facilities, which are planned to be built in this region, have been placed.

Speaking with the representatives of different international organization, the Head of the State told in details about the course of construction of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake, which is aimed at solution of the problem of utilization of collecting and drainage waters, which are unavoidable outcome of irrigated farming.

The idea was to unite all main collectors to single system for collection and diversion of drainage waters to environmentally friendly place – the giant natural hollow of Garashor, which is located in the northwest of Turkmenistan almost at the border of Balkan, Dashoguz and Ahal Velayats. The volume of natural hollow, which is 103 kilometres long, 18.6 kilometres wide and 70 meters deep, is 132 cubic kilometres.

The first phase of this complex hydro technical system was put into operation on July 15, 2009. This event was forestalled by tremendous work. Two big runoffs have been built across the Karakums. These are Dashoguz line, which is 386 kilometres and the main collector, which start in the east of the country in Charjew etrap, Lebap Velayat and runs across Mary, Ahal and Balkan Velayats.

The Head of the State continued that according to statistical data, total length of all drainage collectors of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake is 2,659 kilometres and the length of the channels falling into the main collector is 1,553 kilometres. The volume of Ak Yayla water reserve, where the water is collected first and afterwards is discharged to the lake is 970 million cubic meters.

In general, construction of big artificial water reserve in the Karakums has fundamentally improved soil condition of irrigated lands in all regions, solved many problems related to soil salinization, swamping and drought.

Therefore, the country makes additional reserve of water, which due to natural filtration and application of modern technologies can be utilized for agricultural complex including for development of new lands, expansion of pasture as well as for irrigation of plantation and technical needs.

Addressing the heads and representatives of international organizations, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that this project was included to the Action Programme for Improvement of ecological, social and economic situation in Aral Sea basin implemented under the IFAS. One of important objectives, which solution is laid on the construction of Turkmen Lake, is the prevention of pollution of Amudarya River, improvement of sanitary and living conditions of the population living in this region. In particular, the commissioning of the first phase of the facility reduced the level of water salinity in interstate collectors of Kyol and Deryalyk and improved soil condition of irrigated lands in Dashoguz Velayat.

Turkmen Lake is indeed innovative project that proves that our country make significant input to solution of global problems related to protection of water resources of the planet and water management in arid zone, the President highlighted.

Turkmen Lake makes new favourable ecological and forage conditions for migrating birds in the regions of collector network in Central and Eastern Karakums while the lakes located along the Dashoguz line attract wetlands inhabitants like ducks, geese, sandpipers and other birds. Many new nesting and hibernation places of birds appeared in this place, which are counted to around 250 species.

Flooding to central part of the Karakums makes positive effect on the population of rare hoofed mammals, many of which are listed in the Red Book of Turkmenistan like Ustyurt mountain sheep, onager, goiterred gazelle. Number of fauna species growing along the water is also increased.

The Head of the State drew the attention of the participants to the fact that livestock farming has received additional impulse to development by the expansion of pastures on the territory of 8,640,000 hectares of lands.

The fishery has also good future, today, around 25 fish species lives in Turkmen lake. It is important to mention that many of fish lives only in water with law salt concentration. Habitation of fish in this water reserve is the indicator of good ecology and stability of ecosystem.

Further, the President of Turkmenistan noted that water issues in Central Asia is an important and, in some cases determining factor of the development of regional processes.

At first, the issues related to this have to be solved based on universal standards of international law and on other hand, taking into account the interest of every state of Central Asia and in the third, under active participation of international organizations including the UN. This is our fundamental position and resting on it, we would continue working on the establishment of efficient mechanisms of cooperation between our countries including under the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea, the President said.

The problem of Aral Sea, which was initially caused by the changes of hydrologic mode of the rivers of its basin, is recognized in the world as one of the major global ecological catastrophes in the latest history, the Head of the State continued. Environmental impact caused by irrational use of water resources affected life conditions of millions of people living in the basin of Aral Sea.

From its side, Turkmenistan takes specific measures for improvement of social and ecological situation in the basin of Aral Sea. For example, the provision of pure drinking water is steadily solved and plantation of trees is carried out in Dashoguz Velayat, which suffers more from ecological crisis. In this aspect, the project of construction of Turkmen Lake plays key role in provision of ecological wealth in the region.

Continuing the meeting, foreign guests studied with the interest the projects of social and economic development of the territory around Altyn Asyr Lake.

Wide range of subjects related to the implementation of large-scale reforms and programmes in our country, various aspects of cooperation with the main structures and specialized agencies of the UN has been touched on during the exchange of the visions.

Having expressed sincere gratitude to the Head of the State for active attention to the cooperation with the United Nations, the UN Permanent Coordinator in Turkmenistan Elena Panova noted dynamic and fruitful character of this old partnership.

It was highlighted that the UN comprehensively supports the initiatives of Turkmen leader aimed at the consolidation of efforts in development of the solutions of vital issues of international agenda, especially in such spheres as ecology and environment protection, rational use of natural resources.

Having confirmed the commitment of Turkmenistan to strategic partnership with the United Nations, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that the policy of our country and our initiatives are directly related to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Our country supports the initiative of the UN on recognition of the access to water as a fundamental right of people. Such approach is based on common right to use water resources and on responsibility for efficient management of these resources. In this case, the necessity of promotion of water diplomacy as a new form of multilateral communication on all relative subjects is obvious.

Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, Head of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy in Central Asia Natalya German expressed the gratitude to the head of Turkmenistan for support of the activity of the Centre, having noted that management of common natural resources and environment protection are one of the main direction of this activity.

The official highlighted that recently, the dialog between the countries of Central Asia on the subjects of transboundary management of water resources in the region has been activated, which was supported by water diplomacy actively promoted by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. In this context, Mrs German highlighted energetic work of Turkmenistan under the International Fun for Saving of Aral Sea.

Turkmen leader expressed the gratitude to the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for the support of Turkmenistan’s initiatives, having noted that protection of Aral Sea cannot be longer considered as internal regional problem. The support of the world community, new focused integrated international approach, active and systematic participation of the United Nations in this work are required for successful solution of the issue.

Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat Natalya Drozd expressed the gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for restless efforts aimed at the creation and promotion of the platform for regional cooperation in environmental protection and rational use of water resources in Central Asia. The project of Turkmen Lake gives life to other similar projects opening new perspectives for improvement of life of people, she said.

Natalya Drozd confirmed that realizing the importance of the activity of Turkmenistan chairing in the IFAS, the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat is ready for activation of versatile partnership for solution of Aral Sea problems for provision of ecological security in Central Asia and beyond its borders.

She has also mentioned that the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat will mark its anniversary in April.

Having expressed the gratitude for the willingness to expand the partnership in current problems, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that Turkmenistan intends to continue using all capabilities of international cooperation for solution of the objectives in the sphere of rational water management and total ecological wealth.

Having noted that Turkmenistan would also mark the anniversary of neutrality in December 2020, the Head of the State said that heads and delegations of many states would be invited to our country on this occasion to discuss in details water, energy and transport diplomacy.

Representative of the UNICEF in Turkmenistan Shaheen Nilofer noted fruitful cooperation of the Un Children Fund with Turkmenistan, which is developed in many directions, having expressed the gratitude to Turkmen leader for personal support in promotion of joint programmes of the partnership, attention paid to the creation of the best conditions for health and prosperity of children.

Mrs Nilofer gave positive evaluation to the level of cooperation in such area as vaccination where our country demonstrates the most responsible approach.

Turkmenistan implements steadfast measures in the sphere of maternity and childhood protection including the improvement of legislation base, implementation of national programmes, construction of modern educational facilities, medical and health improving centres, sport facilities, opening of art schools, the President said, having added that this activity would continue taking priority place in the Government policy.

In her turn, Director of the WHO Office in Turkmenistan Paulina Karwowska has also highly appreciated obvious success achieved by our country in the sphere of health protection of the population, which is reflected in the increment of longevity, results of active anti-tobacco campaign, reduction of infectious diseases.

International high-level conference “Prevention and Control of non-infectious disease” will be held in in Ashgabat April this year. Representatives of the World Health Organization Headquarter and all relative agencies of the United Nations and other international structures, competent specialists from dozens of states will take part in the forum.

Welcoming constructive approach of Turkmen leader to building of the partnership with the WHO n long-term basis, Paulina Karwowska expressed the confidence that current success in health protection sphere would be the base for the solution of set objectives in the future.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated with delight productive character of the dialog with the WHO. It was highlighted that partnership of Turkmenistan with large international organizations, especially with the UN and its specialized structures, meets the main goals of the state development.

Acting Permanent Representative of the UNDP in Turkmenistan Natia Natzvilishvili expressed the gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for the support of the projects I ecological and energy spheres, which have been implemented and are currently developed together with Turkmen partners in the spheres of natural protection, climate change, management of water and land resources.

The Head of the State highlighted that relations between Turkmenistan and the United Nations are developed in the atmosphere of understanding and mutual interest in expansion of the cooperation in all spectrum.

Chargé d'affaires of the Office of the European Union in Turkmenistan Lubomir Frebort expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the opportunity to see ecological situation in the area of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake, which is a unique aquatic facility in the centre of Karakum Desert.

Having noted the importance of large-scale reforms in Turkmenistan, Lubomir Fredord highlighted that bilateral cooperation enters new level due to the understanding of common strategic objectives in political, economic and humanitarian aspects.

The EU Representative continued that Europe welcomes far-seeing strategy as well as international initiatives of the Head of Turkmenistan on provision of energy security, formation of modern transit and transport corridors, natural protection, solution of water range of issues. Special emphasis was laid upon the importance of Trans Caspian gas pipeline, which implementation might be realistic with the consolidation of the sides in the future.

European vector has always been and remains to be the most important priority of foreign strategy of independent Turkmen state, which steadily implements the course toward wide international cooperation for common interests, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

Speaking of Trans Caspian gas pipeline, the Head of the State highlighted that in deed, the subject of implementation of this project, which provides the entry of Turkmen gas to the markets of the Western Europe, is one of current objectives at present.

In this context, the importance of creation of the most favourable conditions, which are necessary for provision of reliable, stable and long-term international energy cooperation that considers equally the interest of suppliers, transporters and consumers of the energy, has been highlighted.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov studied the projects, which are planned to implement under social and economic development of Balkan Velayat.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldieyv presented the Draft Concept of development of Altyn Asyr Lake region for 2019 – 2025, which was prepared by the order of the Head of the State. The document provides the complex of specific measures for rational use of water of Turkmen Lake and further development and greening of deserted lands of the Karakums including planting of forest and expansion of pastures.

Relative ministries and departments as well as the administrations of Balkan and Dashoguz Velayats prepared the proposals for development of sheep and camel breeding, fishery and farming around the lake.

At the same time, scientific studies aimed at increment of biological diversity of flora and fauna in this region, improvement of ecological condition, cleaning and rational used of waters of the lake will be carried out on regular basis.

During the presentation, the Vice-premier presented number of projects, which are planned to be implemented in the area of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake in the next several years, to Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for review.

In his turn, Chairman of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmensitan A. Dadayev informed that Hazar Balyk Open Joint Stock venture, which is the members of the UIET, plans to organize specialized farm for provision of the population of the country with fresh fish and fish products. Fishing teams provided with fishing seiners with all fishing gears will be formed up and will catch carp, perch and pike.

The second phase of the project provides the construction of industrial incubators for breeding of different fish species, installation of freezing installations for storage of fish and sorting of ready-made fish products.

After, the President studied general Plan of construction of new village near the lake, which tenants will be involved in livestock farming, fishery and agricultural production.

This modern village will occupy 68.8 hectares. It will be built in two stages. The first stage provides the construction of comfortable cottages for 104families with 50 four- and 54 three-room apartments as well as school for 320 students, kindergarten for 160 children, clinic, shopping centre, public service facility and park.

The second stage provides the construction of the houses for 108 apartments including 54 four- and three-room apartments each. The village will be provided with pure drinking water, gas, electricity, communication systems, asphalt roads, etc.

Minister of Energy Ch. Purchekov reported that it is planned to build 160 km power line for Serdar substation in the city of Serdar for power supply of the village. In addition, it si planned to install solar batteries as renewable sources of energy by the proposal of the specialists of the Institute of Solar Energy.

In the future, it is also planned to use wind energy for production of electricity. Drawings of power networks planned for construction were presented to Head of the State.

After, Chairman of the State Concern Turkmengaz M. Archayev, Chairman of Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency and Vice-premier D. Amangeldiyev reported to Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about the work that would be executed by the organizations under their supervision during development of the village.

In particular, it is planned to build gas distribution unit with power output of 30,000 cubic meters of gas per hours next to Garabogaz village for gas supply of the settlement. 35kilometers of 325 mm high-pressure gas line will be built from Serdar to gas distribution unit and 125 km of 219 mm gas line from the unit to the village. In addition, it is necessary to build around 15 km of local gas lines of different diameter.

Modern equipment for TV, radio and other communication as well as for Altyn Asyr cellular network will be installed.

170 km two-lane motor highway will be built from Serdar to Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake. Number of bridges across drainage collectors will be built.

Having studied in detail all presented projects, general plan of new village and drawings of the facilities planned to be built, the President of Turkmenistan made number of corrections. Having pointed out the necessity of thorough elaboration of the projects, the Head of the State gave number of specific assignments to relative leaders.

The Head of the State highlighted the importance of scientific approach to the development of the territories of Altyn Asyr Lake, development of plant cultivation and fishery, having given specific instructions to the Head of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan Toyliyev.

The President also ordered to define the location of livestock farms and the ownership, whether private of government. It was mentioned that there are good capabilities for growing of melons and watermelons and it is necessary to find the breeds of watermelons and melons, which are more suitable for growing in this area. It is also necessary to continue the work for desalination of soils using both traditional methods and modern technologies.

The President also requested that health protection facilities, school and kindergarten, which would be built in new village, have to be provided with modern specialized equipment, having given instructions to Vice-premier P. Agamyradov and leaders of the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry.

Special attention has to be paid to quality of construction works, building materials, which will be used for residential houses and social facilities and have to meet climate conditions of this region.

The same is required for construction of motor roads, development of the best routes, the Head of the state said, having noted that all these details are necessary to elaborate on the planning stage.

Having highlighted that targeted work for further improvement of social and living conditions for people would be continued, the Head of the State ordered Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers to hold this work under control.

Having said goodbye to the participants and wished everybody success in work, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left for Ashgabat.