Ï Çalık Enerji to modernize the turbines of Mary State Power Station

Çalık Enerji to modernize the turbines of Mary State Power Station

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At the session of the Government on March 1, Vice-premier D. Amangeldiyev informed the Head of the State about the work on procurement of necessary spare parts, equipment, materials and chemicals for Mary State Power Station.

The Vice-premier informed the Head of the State that maintenance of old gas turbines is required after commissioning of combined cycle power station on the territory of Mary State Power Station. In this regard, the Ministry of Energy has announced International Tender where 7 foreign companies have participated. By the outcomes of the tender, all planned works for modernization of turbines of Mary State Power Station and procurement of necessary spare parts were entrusted to Çalık Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.

It was informed that production output of the power station would increase from 650 to 1,000 – 1,200 Megawatt, which would allow increasing export capabilities of the industry.

In this regard, the President highlighted that Turkmenistan is one of the richest states in the world by energy resources and production of electricity is one of the most profitable production in the world. Following this, the volumes of investments to this important industry always grows. In the result, Turkmen energy industry demonstrates stable high rates of development and is able to increase the export of electricity, which is on high demand in the world markets.

It was also mentioned that great attention is paid in the country to the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies to power industry, which allows reducing fuel consumption and at the same time, increasing production volumes of energy.

Turkmenistan stands for the establishment of long-term equal cooperation, the Head of the State highlighted, especially with reliable and responsible partners, which have well- recommended themselves and have latest developments, huge scientific and production potential.

The President of Turkmenistan signed presented document, having requested to hold relative issues under unremitting control.