Ï Turkmen Parliament adopts the Laws on Ecological Audit and on Innovative Activity

Turkmen Parliament adopts the Laws on Ecological Audit and on Innovative Activity

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The fifth session of the Mejlis of the sixth convocation, where number of new laws and legal acts, which were developed according to integrated programme of modernization of legal and regulatory base of the country, has been adopted, took place. Heads of some ministries and departments as well as representatives of mass media were invited to take part in the session.

According to the agenda, the Draft Law of Turkmenistan on Ecological Audit has been brought out for the review by the deputies. Speaking at the session, the deputies have focused in the key objectives in the sphere of environmental protection. It was highlighted that the utmost attention is paid to the ecology in our country as to an important aspect of favourable life of the population. The strategy of ‘green’ development has been put forward by the Head of the State as one of the mechanisms of stable economic and social progress, which is based on advanced practice, innovative technologies and old national traditions.

These days, environmentally friendly technologies are introduced in oil and gas sector, power energy, chemical industry, transport and other spheres and branches. Targeted measures are taken for rational use of water, land and biological resources, protection of biological diversity, natural landscapes and combating the desertification. Big forest have been planted around the cities and settlements under national greem programme.

Project of construction of Altyn Asyr Lake in the Karakums, which completion is very important for provision of ecological wealth not only in our country but also in Central Asia, is a bright example of huge work in this direction.

As is known, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made working trip to Balkan Velayat on February 28 where he inspected ecological situation of this unique aquatic facility and surrounding territories as well as projects of construction of new modern village, development of livestock and agricultural farming and fishery.

In this regard, new Law, which outlines legal and organizational basis of ecological audit and aimed at improvement of ecological validity and efficiency of the activity of business entities, acquires special currency.

Ecological audit is an independent, integrated and documented assessment of compliance of organizations, establishments and facilities with the requirements of Turkmenistan legislation, standards and regulatory documents in environmental protection sphere and provision of ecological security as well as with the requirements of international ecological standards, preparation of the statements on the condition of such activity and recommendations for its improvement. Taking into account the construction of numerous facilities in the country, the audit is also important in the context of analysis and assessment of ecological aspects of the projects on preparation stage, the participants noted.

Further, the Draft law on Innovative Activity has been brought out for discussion by the parliamentarians. The participants highlighted in their speeches that the course toward innovative economy, improvement of its competiveness is steadily implemented, large-scale programmes in industrialization, creation of modern agricultural, transport and social infrastructure are carried out.

Speaking at the meeting with the Mejlis’ deputies in February this year, Turkmen leader has mentioned the importance of the implementation of intellectual, scientific and technical potential of the country, wide use of the achievements of scientific and technical progress. The Head of the State highlighted that the issues appearing in relation with legal protection and use of inventions and industrial samples, innovative work are very important.

New Law is aimed at the establishment of organizational, legal and economic conditions for the activity of the authors of inventions, stimulation of scientific and technical activity.

Facilities in all branches are required new actual ideas for dynamic development in modern conditions. Support of new developments and proposals for modernization of existing equipment and technologies, all of these will support the saving of material and financial resources as well as the improvement of work conditions and environment.

The deputies have also reviewed the draft Laws on Amendments and Addendums of the Code of Turkmenistan on Administrative Violations, on Amendments and Addendums of the Criminal Code of Turkmenistan, on Amendments and Addendums of Some Legal Acts of Turkmenistan, on Recognizing As Null and Void Some Legal Acts of Turkmenistan, on Amendments and Addendums of the Labour Code of Turkmenistan.

In addition, the Draft Resolutions of the Mejlis on Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the Avoidance of Double Taxation with Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, on the Naming of Turkmen National Conservatory after Maya Kuliyeva and on the Naming of Turkmen State Medical university after Myrat Garriyev.

Besides, the plan of law-making activity of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan in 2019 and number of other subjects have been discussed.

Draft legal documents, which were brought out for the review of regular session of the Mejlis, have been unanimously approved and adopted.