Ï The Head of the State visits the Olympic village and Ahalteke Equestrian Complex

The Head of the State visits the Olympic village and Ahalteke Equestrian Complex

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The Head of the State visits the Olympic village and Ahalteke Equestrian Complex
The Head of the State visits the Olympic village and Ahalteke Equestrian Complex
The Head of the State visits the Olympic village and Ahalteke Equestrian Complex
The Head of the State visits the Olympic village and Ahalteke Equestrian Complex
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the Olympic village where he inspected the conditions made for training of Turkmen sportsmen to big international competitions, the Head of the State has also visited the horses in the Ahalteke Equestrian Complex, having spent some time with horses.

Early in the morning on the first march Sunday, Turkmen leader arrived in the Olympic village.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported to the Head of the State about the training of national team to 2020 Olympic Games. It was mentioned that the team that would go to Tokyo incudes the personnel of military and law enforcement agencies.

The Heads of security forces reported in what sports the sportsmen that were selected from these structures would compete.

Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that it is necessary to work thoroughly on provision of necessary conditions for training using the capabilities of the Olympic village of the capital and multifunctional sport complex in Avaza National sport complex for deserving participation of our athletes at the Olympic Games in Tokyo.

At the same time, the Head of the State focused on the importance of psychological training of the sportsmen. The President noted that Turkmen athletes have to have a feeling of patriotism. Their main goal is to prove international authority of the country including in sport sphere.

In this regard, entire training and educational process has to be aimed at patriotic upbringing of the sportsmen, formation of responsible civic position, socially important merits and willingness to implement such merits for the interests of society and the state. It is important to refer to historical pages, practice of our ancestors, examples of national heroes in this work, which would bring educational component to training process, which develops love to the Motherland and keeps historical memory.

The youth is the future of the country. The State would continue taking care of creation of necessary conditions for opening of the potential of younger generation including in promotion of Turkmen sportsmen in the world arena, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Highlighting the subject of 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, the Head of the State requested to elaborate the Draft Resolution on training to big international competitions.

The sports is an excellent method to build the character, commitment, endurance, courage and resilience. Regular sport exercises give raise to confidence, boldness, power, speed, ingenuity and endurance, ability to give up and enjoy the victory of other. A person, who absorbed all these excellent features, deserves respect, the Head of the State said.

Any sport competitions are held under strict rule, which provide not only the course of the contest but also the preparation, define psychological mood of the sportsmen, willpower and ability to manage the emotion and anxiety. Therefore, wise physical and psychological training aimed for the victory and helping to concentrate physical and spiritual power in necessary moment is very important.

Turkmen leader highlighted that deserving participation in international competitions and improvement of the prestige of the country are the duty of every sportsman.

Physical training, sports and healthy life style are important factors, which indicates the level of social and economic development of the state and social culture. In addition, physical training and sports are the sources of beauty and health, the Head of the State highlighted. In this relation, Turkmenistan is recognized as the country of high spirit, health and inspiration.

Big investments are sent for the development of sport sphere in our country. fundamental reforms are successfully made in this direction for the sake of the nation, which is indicated by numerous sport and equestrian complexes, stadiums and profile facilities meeting international standards, which have been built recently in the country.

Demonstrating outstanding skills, our sportsmen achieve excellent results at international competitions. Our steadfast systematic activities aimed at the development of sport and physical training movement are recognized by the world community and receive high appraisal.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that we would continue giving priority importance to the development of sport, harmonic, spiritual and physical education of the youth, successful performance of our sportsmen at international competitions and acquiring necessary sport practice.

Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev demonstrated the projects of sport complexes and facilities, which are planned to be built in the capital, to the President. It was also reported on the measures for provision of proper operation and efficient use of sport infrastructure of the city.

Having studied and approved the projects, the President ordered to build all planned sport facilities on quality level and in accordance with set standards. The Head of the State noted that the best world practice and latest technologies have to be used in construction, the facilities have to be provided with modern equipment and commissioned as per schedule.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and his associates looked around the territory of the Olympic village and sport facilities on the bicycles.

Having announced health protection of people especially growing generation as the utmost state objective, the President gave organized and targeted character of long-term national programme to the development of physical training and sports of high achievements. Specific measures have been already taken in this direction.

It includes the organization of sport competitions in various sports in our country, modernization and expansion of sport equipment and facilities base. Mass public cycling races are organized regularly.

According to Turkmen leader, such activities support the improvement of health of the population, improvement of ecological wealth level and popularization of cycling as similar sport events motivate the participants for regular sport exercises. In addition, mass sport events together with health improving and educational directions bear positive emotional charge combining entertainment and propaganda functions.

Participation of the President in this event highlights the status of not only the event itself but also of all projects related to the health subjects of Turkmenistan citizens and serves as an evidence that the formation of integrated national system of physical, spiritual and moral health improvement is a state policy.

Today, the cycling is one of the most popular sports in our country, which supports ecological wealth and improvement of the health of the population.

The cycling was included to the programme of the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, which were held with great success in Ashgabat in September 2017. Indoor cycling track, which meets the highest international standards, has been built in the Olympic village of the capital. At present, Turkmen sportsmen have training at the track preparing for coming international competitions.

Comprehensive support of sport development is the priority of the State policy of neutral Turkmenistan, which practically demonstrates the commitment to the principles of the Olympic movement. Therefore, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays great attention to development of sportsmen, formation of commitment, hardworking and willing to win.

As is known at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers in February 22, the President signed the Resolution on the construction of the Bicycle Monument in Ashgabat, which would be installed at the intersection of Chandybil and Bekreve Avenues.

After the inspection of the sport complexes of the Olympic village, the President ordered to involve the facilities comprehensively for training of Turkmen sportsmen to international competitions especially to the Olympic Games in Japan and to make the best conditions for improvement of the skills of our athletes.

After, the Head of the State and his associates visited the gym of the sport complex of the Olympic village where they made exercises on training machines.

The complex has all conditions for going in for different sports, training of sportsmen, organization of different competitions including on international level. Facilities of the Olympic village are provided with specialized modern equipment, multifunctional training simulators provide efficient training for professional sportsmen and amateurs as well as for people of different age categories.

The Head of the State highlighted in the conversation with his compatriots that physical training and sport have to be a daily routine of every Turkmen citizen, having noted that regular physical exercises improve workability of people, stimulate active creative and intellectual activity.

Today, the sports in Turkmenistan becomes the way of life. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that formation of physically fit and morally healthy generations is the main goal of the government policy in sport sphere. Following the example of the Head of the State, the members of the Government have also made some exercises.

Progressive policy of Turkmen leader, which is based on the programmes of further improvement of gene pool of the nation, principles of peace and goodwill, wide international cooperation, has gained the support of the world community. Award of the Order of Honour of the Olympic Council of Asia to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as well as conferring of the Diploma of Honoured Owner of the 10th Dan (skill level in karate and judo) of the World Traditional Fudokan – Karate – Do Federation are bright evidence of high recognition of huge merits of the Head of Turkmenistan in the world sport movement, significant input to the popularization of physical training and sports.

Decision of the Olympic Council of Asia on the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in Ashgabat in 2017 was another recognition of this policy by the world community. It is remarkable that Turkmenistan was the first in Central Asia region to organize these prestigious games.

The triumph of 2017 Asian Games raised considerable worldwide interest in the world and became the subject of sincere pride of Turkmen nation. In 2018, our country successfully held international rally along the Silk Road from Amul to Hazar and the World Weightliftign Championship.

After inspection of the Olympic village, the Head of the State went to Ahalteke Equestrian Complex.

As per Sunday tradition, the President of Turkmenistan paid the visit to his favourite ahalteke horses.

At the complex, the Head of the State has also visited Rovach the foal, which was born in the beginning of this year. Following Turkmen tradition, the Head of the State put on the alaja (charm) made by his mother Ogulabat-eje on the neck of the foal, which is thought to be the wish of success. This is another evidence of the succession of the heritage of our nation.

After, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had a walk with Rovach.

Due to the efforts of the Head of the State, national equestrian industry has entered new level; large-scale work for improvement of its infrastructure and increment of livestock of thoroughbred ahalteke horses, expansion of cooperation in this sphere as well as popularization of national traditions of horse riding is carried out in the country.

Issues of careful protection, enrichment and popularization of cultural heritage of our nation are put in the rank of priority directions of the state policy. Unsurpassed Turkmen horses, which are distinguished by beauty, grace and loyalty, are the part of this unique heritage.

Being national heritage and pride of Turkmen nation, ahalteke horses were born in the union with nature by creative human geniality. That is why today, noble horse is a symbol of modern age of Turkmenistan, the image of succession of historical practice, triumph of high ideals, enthusiastic work and energetic orientation to the development.

Many generations of Turkmen horse breeders have managed to protect the best natural features of ahalteke horses and to develop outstanding abilities, endurance and speed are the main of which as well as loyalty, which they pay back to human for the care.

It is hard and painstaking work to grow up real racing horse. This science of our skilful ancestors is mastered by growing generation with keen interest. From the first step in new direction, young horse riders are trained to understand the horse, to find common language to be real friends. Only after that, horse riding lessons start.

The ancestors of Turkmens were at the beginning of great horse breeding culture, which glory has spread all around the world. thoroughly selecting young horses, keeping it away from interbreeding with other horses, they have made special outstanding horse. Generous Turkmen land became the birth place of the best racer of all times and nations, which made huge impact on the formation of number of famous horse breeds in the world.

Inspired by the communication with horses, despite that he has already finish the work in new book dedicated to the horses Atda wepa-da bar, sapa-da», new creative ideas came to the head of the President, which would be included to the book in the form of interesting plots and thoughts.

Protection of the richest cultural heritage of Turkmen nation, its ancient traditions and rites related to the horse breeding, popularization in the world are always under attention of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Big painstaking work in this direction was reflected on the pages of excellent books of the Head of the State dedicated to ahalteke horses. The books were translated to different world languages and became precious manual of international level. Turkmen leader brings the data from the history of ahalteke horse, which glory continued flying through the centuries, and told about modern horse breeding with its best traditions, methods of training and growing of the horses in his book «Atda wepa-da bar, sapa-da».

The President notes that the image of horse takes significant place in classical literature and folk art of Turkmens, which is the highest respect of horses by the nation. Ancient jewellery art, which remained until our days, place the decorations made for horses on important place. Referring to historical data, Turkmen leader tells in details that jewellers have made the world-class decorations for the horses.

Indeed, thoroughbred horse is a real treasure, the diamond, from which Turkmen horse breeders have created a wonderful jewel by thoughtful and painstaking cut. That is why the Turkmens decorated their horses so generously, dressing them in silver and precious stones as ahalteke horse is living masterpiece, which was created throughout the centuries in cooperation between the nature and human…

The book mentions that there were generation of horse breeders who made special input to the improvement of the pedigree of Turkmen horses. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that Turkmen horse breeders put all efforts for the improvement of the breed, having created a unique school of horse breeding.

It is mentioned on the pages of new book that at present time, large-scale work for steadfast development of national equestrian traditions, improvement of ancient glory of Turkmen horses and their wide popularization in the world is carried out in the country.

The work of the Head of the State speaks of original character features of the horses, specialities of body, which are the signs of thouroughbred ahalteke horse.

Turkmen leader used historical data and valuable information while working on his book, which provides the truth and importance of the book for people who are interested in horse breeding.

Book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov «Atda wepa-da bar, sapa-da» will be an excellent gift to the nation on occasion of National Turkmen Horse celebration, which is widely observed in the country.

After completion of art activity, the Head of the State left Ahalteke Equestrian Complex.