Ï The Head of the State sets out the objectives for the heads of the regions

The Head of the State sets out the objectives for the heads of the regions

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held video conference session with the Hyakims of the velayats and the capital, having set out number of the utmost objectives.

It is necessary to sum up the results of past two month, the Head of the State said, having ordered to analyse the work from the beginning of the year, to sum up its result and prepare the reports by coming session of the Cabinet of Ministers.

International Women Day is coming and it is necessary to hold celebration events on honour of our fellow countrywomen on high level, the President continued, having requested to start the ceremonies of award of monetary prizes to women of the country on behalf of the Head of the State from this day.

We have another celebration – National Spring Holiday, the Nowruz International Day, soon, to which we would time nationwide community day, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, having given the instructions for organization of green planting action.

In particular, the Head of the State drew the attention of the heads of the regions on the importance of relevance of tree species to soil and climate conditions of the region. The Hyakims received the instructions related to growing of mulberry trees along Karakum River. Endurance of this tree adapted to arid zone is also very important in strengthening of the riverbanks.

After, the President switched to the Resolution on Training of Turkmenistan national teams to XXXII Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo (Japan) in 2020, which was signed earlier at the session, having highlighted the importance of this document for further development of sports of high achievements in our country. In this context, the Head of the State assigned the Hyakims to control the fulfilment of this Resolution at sites, in other words, to provide necessary conditions for training of sportsmen from the velayats to these important Games.

Two other historical Resolutions have been signed during the session – on construction of new administrative centre of Ahal Velayat and several modern settlements in etraps of Lebap Velayat, the President said.

The work for construction of new settlements, urban construction changes have to be continued steadily in all regions of the country, the Head of the State highlighted, having noted that development and realization of similar projects have to be started also in Dashoguz, Balkan and Mary Velayat.

Recently adopted Programme of social and economic development of Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025, in which this work is outlined as one of priority directions, the President said. The Head of the State noted that recommendations for integrated organization of this activity have been given to the deputies of the Mejlis representing the interest of the electorate in the regions at the meeting in National Parliament.

In this aspect, specific objectives have been also outlined to the public organizations of the country. The main goals of large-scale changes is to improve social and living conditions, level and quality of life of people.

In their turn, speaking at the session, Hyakims of Ahal and Lebap Velayat expressed the gratitude to Turkmen leader for the decisions on construction of new modern settlements, having assured that they would put all efforts for the implementation of these important social projects.