Ï Important decisions in the strategy of reforms are taken at video conference session

Important decisions in the strategy of reforms are taken at video conference session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held video conference working session with the participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministers of Sports and Youth Affairs, hyakims of the velayats and Ashgabat.

The agenda included the implementation of reformation programmes inclduign in urban construction sphere, sports, social and economic development of the regions as well as the course of agricultural works.

First, the Head of the State called Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev who reported on the measures for urban planning of the capital, decoration and plantation of the trees in the city, modernization of road and transport network, construction of living and other facilities.

The Hyakim reported to the Head of the State that relative organizational and maintenance facilities are established for further improvement of throughput capacity of the roads in the capital and optimization of transport flow. At the same time, the plan of planting of decorative trees along the roads, expansion of parks and other has been made for the improvement of the environment.

Municipality services work on support of cleanness and order, provision of proper operational condition of all facilities and complexes, technical communication, uninterrupted operation of power networks and other systems. Construction of various buildings and facilities is carried out according to the schedule.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested to hold under strict control organizational issues of all works in the capital including renewal and decoration of avenues and streets in the capital.

The Head of the State called Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs D. Gulgeldiyev by video call, who reported on the work of the structures under his supervision, measures for development of different sports and training of Turkmenistan national teams for the participation in the XXII Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo (Japan) in 2020.

The President noted that our country has the most modern and comprehensive sport infrastructure, equipment and facility base of sport sphere has all capabilities for organization of big international competitions and training of the world-class sportsmen, improvement of their skills, on which the system of stimulation and encouragement of talented youth is aimed.

The country also has integrated and specialized schools in different sports, for training of Olympic sportsmen. The Olympic village has been built in the capital, all velayats have excellent stadiums and other sport facilities for the younger generation to grow strong and developed. National sport competition and local championships are held regularly, representatives of our country participate in prestige international competitions. It is necessary to use the base of the Olympic village and sport complex in Avaza more efficiently, to improve scientific and methodological foundation of sport development , the Head of the State said.

Having video called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov at the same time, the Head of the State pointed out that training of national team, which is to participate in the competition of the world level, has to be taken with great responsibility.

Having signed the Resolution on Training of Turkmenistan national teams for XXXII Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo (Japan) in 2020, the Head of the State sent it by the electronic document management system to the Vice-premier, Minister and Hyakim.

According to the document, permanent and seasonal sport bases will be organized in the Olympic village of Ashgabat and in Avaza sport complex respectively for training of the teams.

Sportsmen will be provided with accommodation and special meal, which quality would be monitored by specialists, on the base of the Olympic village. In addition, proper medical service of sportsmen will be arranged there.

Special assignments were given to D. Gulgeldiyev on uniform of sportsmen and coaches, which would represent Turkmenistan at the opening ceremony and competitions in Tokyo. Parade and sport uniform of our team has to reflect national colours, cultural originality and mentality.

Further, the President of Turkmenistan called Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Sh. Amangeldiyev who reported on the work in the region, in particular for preparation to spring sowing of agricultural crops including cotton and to national community day.

It was also reported on the measures for provision of timely construction and commissioning of social and cultural facilities, organization of the events on occasion of coming holidays.

It is necessary to prepare the fields for cotton and other crops, to repair the equipment and to arrange required tools. The heads on the sites have to have clear action plan of cotton sowing taking into account specific volumes of growing of agricultural crops and structure f arable lands, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted.

Together with agricultural works, the Head of the State gave orders on organized animal birthing campaign in livestock farms of the velayat.

After, the President of Turkmenistan called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov who supervises Ahal velayat and Vice-premier D. Amangeldiyev.

Having focused on the objectives of large-scale programme of development of the region, in particular Ahal Velayat, the Head of the State requested to put the deadline of the launch of construction of new administrative centre and the main infrastructural facilities.

With the time, it has to become as impressive as our white-marble capital, the President of the country said, having highlighted that the utmost attention shall be paid to creation of all conditions for comfort life of the population.

The Head of the State noted that all conditions meeting high modern requirements have to be made on the territory of new administrative centre of Ahal Velayat. It is necessary use an integrated approach in provision of all capabilities for productive work of the population and high level of life.

Having signed the Resolution on Construction of new modern administrative centre of Ahal velayat, the President highlighted that foundation of entire new city in Ahal is a remarkbale event in life of this region. The Concept of this major projects provides the formation of the most favourable economic, social and other prepositions for further development of administrative centre. All of these requires strict control of the implementation of planned integrated works, the President said, having given number of instruction on fulfilment of the Resolution.

Further, the President called Hyakim of Balkan velayat Ya. Gylyjov who reported on the situation in coastal region. It was informed about the preparation f lands and agricultural equipment to sowing campaign.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of proper care of the vegetation of winter crops, improvement of soil fertility by vegetation irrigation and fertilization.

The President ordered to provide high level of readiness of agricultural equipment for the start of the season all around the region and to control the availability of necessary stock of fuel for this equipment.

It is necessary to make all conditions for work of livestock farmers for high level of animal birth campaign, Turkmen leader said.

The Head of the State also noted the importance of permanent control of the quality of construction in the velayat.

After, Hyakim of Dashoguz Velayat M. Bayramguliyev reported on the course of seasonal agricultural works in the region and organized preparation to spring sowing campaign.

The President addressed the Head of administration of the northern region with number of specific instructions on improvement of the culture of the farming taking into account soil and climate conditions of the velayat. At the same time, the Hyakim was requested to finish the sowing of onions and potatoes in the velayat until March 15.

In addition, it is necessary to provide integrated support to livestock farmers of the region, the President said, having given specific assignments on this account.

Further, Hyakim of Lebap Velayat T. Atahalliyev reported on the situation in the region, preparation measures taken on the threshold of the sowing campaign. It was mentioned that mineral fertilization and vegetation irrigation are carried out at the fields under winter crops. The works in the cotton fields are continued.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that preparation to the sowing of agricultural crops has to be carried out according to agro technical standards. All parties of the campaign have to be provided with necessary resources in full volume for timely and organized sowing campaign, which is to start in the second half of March.

Livestock farms of the velayat have to carry out birth campaign on high organizational level, the Head of the State said, having ordered to make all conditions for the personnel of this sphere.

After, the President called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov and D. Amangeldiyev who reported on planned works related to the construction of new settlements in number of the etraps of Lebap Velayat. Draft Resolution on this was presented to the President of Turkmenistan. Having listened to the report, the Head of the State signed the Resolution.

The President noted that construction of new settlements in Charjew, Sayat, Khalach and Kerky etraps is a remarkable event for the residents of this area. The Head of the State highlighted that it is necessary to take care first of the formation of modern social and living infrastructure in new settlements. New tenants have to have an excellent conditions for work and rest as comfortable houses, working places, work of relative services and other.

At present time, improvement of life level of people in all parts of the country is the main line of the State policy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said. Giving instruction to start the construction of the settlements as soon as possible to the Hyakim of Dashoguz Velayat, the Head of the State ordered to coordinate the course of works on construction of the facilities approved by this document. It is planned to complete the construction in five years in 2024.

After, the President called Hyakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiyev who reported on the preparation of lands to cowing of potatoes and other agricultural crops. The report on the situation in large construction sites of the region has also been presented.

The President of Turkmenistan order the Hyakim to hold under control the course of seasonal agro technical works on the fields under the wheat, on which integrated organization the growth of vegetation and future harvest of grain depend on.

Continuing the subject, the Head of the State ordered to provide high quality of preparation of land to spring sowing of cotton and other crops.

It is necessary to receive the offspring in livestock farms without loss, the Head of the State said, having ordered the leaders on sites to render comprehensive assistance to the farmers.

Reforms in agricultural and other spheres have to be oriented to systematic development of the region, increment of its contribution to the GDP of the country, improvement of social and living conditions of the population, the Head of the State highlighted, having given number of instructions for activation of works in construction sector of the region.

After, Turkmen leader held video conference session with all hyakims of the velayats and the capital, having set out number of the utmost objectives for them.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also congratulated women of the country on International Women Day, having expressed cordial wishes of string health, family walth and happiness.

The Head of the State wished success in work to the participants of video conference session.